My response to any one who asks why I am fading

by Skinnedsheep 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    HehhEeEhEE 'lie like a rug'.

    like it!

  • tornapart

    For anyone that is not family or extremely close friend, how about 'It's none of your business'.

  • Finkelstein

    Honest analytical thinking should should reveal to anyone that this religious organization was and is a fraud

    decisively designing and created to proliferate its own published works as well to support an image of power and control unto the


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Best response KMBA!

  • SophieG

    Yarda yada : All I used to say was "I'm just having a break.." nothing more, nothing less. It seemed to work every time, almost as if they totally understood and were jealous LOL.

    That's what I said too. Haven't heard a word from any of them!


    Sadly, you cannot trust the Elders. No matter how nice they are under " normal " circumstances. It's like saying that so-and-so is really nice when he is not drunk and punching his wife or pushing her down. So-and-so has a huge problem and should be avoided. The Elders have a huge problem, arrogance, combined with ignorance. They believe that they are the stars in Jesus right hand from Revelation.... They also worship the Organization/Slave. No matter what they say, or claim, that is the truth.

    You can very carefully test out what I have said by mentioning your feelings to them about the nu-light. You can do it without being DF'd, I did. It is very dangerous. Unless you are really on the ball, you could slip up. There were multiple occasions when I reached a nexus in my meetings. All I had to do was tell them what was really true and I would be DF'd right now, no doubt about it. One particular Elder was very eager to find damning evidence against me, but he couldn't.

    The safest route is to ignore them. Realize that they are not right, mentally. Then treat them accordingly. Treat them like a mentally handicapped person who could fly into a rage and kill you if you touch their ears. I know that sounds mean, but they are not thinking clearly, and they could really hurt you in their zeal for JEHOVAH (tm). You cannot reason with them because any debate about doctrine is demonized. There is no dissent or questioning allowed. The game is rigged, the house always wins. Jesus said to " watch out for yourselves " because of false religious leaders. You are not under obligation to martyr yourself.



  • BU2B

    I really like your well reasoned, logical responses, and may tailor them to my wife. However, to use these on the elders will not win you any respect, will bring even more attention/investigation upon you. If you go this route you likely will be meeting with 3 elders in the crying room. If that happens, please record it for others! If you just want to fade quietly, just cite depression, anxiety attacks, discouragement etc.. even say that you feel like ending it all, especially when people try to pressure you.. That should make them leave you alone.

    Remember, you dont owe these people anything.. Only spouse, and immediate family. Even with them you must season your words with salt.

    Take Care- BU2B

  • This_suit_doesnt_fit

    "Realize that they are not right, mentally. Then treat them accordingly. Treat them like a mentally handicapped person who could fly into a rage and kill you if you touch their ears." DATA-DOG

    This is good advice. Religious zealotry is a mental disorder & needs to be recognized and treated as one.

    On a funny note: a friend of mine use to make bizarre, out-of-context statements when talking to the witnesses just for fun. He would say "I put the Spam in the bedroom" or "Oh yes, but thats only on left hand turns" during casual small talk. It never made any sense, but after awhile the witnesses assumed something was wrong with him & left him alone.

  • Mum

    Asking them to "prove" anything will just lead to a lot of blathering and assertions with nothing to back them up. They do not think according to logic or science. You don't really owe them an explanation, but if you just want them to go away, some good ones have been suggested.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    This is a great thread. I agree that you do not owe them anything. Just tell them you are taking a break. Good luck to you.

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