Public Talks all MANUSCRIPT now???

by hamsterbait 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hamsterbait

    on another thread Gingerbread said (ouch - the poetry is NOT deliberate!) that all Sunday public talks are now manuscript.

    Is this why the Brothers have been doing babble readings without adding any comment? So they can just regurgitate words convincingly whether they understand or not??

    I have not been now for 3 years, so this is news to me.


  • Mum

    In the '70's, when I was still in, the "talk outlines" were quite comprehensive. I didn't see much room for ad libs if the speaker followed the "outline." What is the difference between those and the "manuscripts" you refer to?

  • sir82

    No they are not. They are still in outline form. If you read word for word you'd get done in about 5 minutes or less. Including scriptures would push you up to 10 or 15 minutes.

    Just enough time to allow elders to spew their own prejudices, biases, personal opinions and speculations.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    It does seem that many, if not all, of the DC talks are manuscript.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I'd imagine they are still outlines (at least they were when I was giving em just a few years ago) but they are REALLY dumbed down outlines. by adding a few grammatical changes you can convert one to a manuscript in about 18 minutes.

    coupled with the fact that there is VERY little room to "add" any of kind of originality or human perspective, the frigging things might as well be manuscripts. i've done public talks and I've read letters from the Branch on stage. Not much difference.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    BOC, you're right about the manuscripts on the assembly programs. When I worked stage observation, there a "heavy" who sat at a desk behind the stage and followed along with his own manuscript copy of the talk being given at any given time. if the speaker went off course, his ass got reamed out when he got off stage with the assurance that he'll never get another talk. And since giving talks is like the crowning acheivement in WT world, few "brothers" ever strayed out of fear of losing this priviledge.

    i need to learn to spell. hung-over, sorry.

  • gingerbread

    Thanks for the reference Hamsterbait.

    To be more specific, the actual talks in the congregation are in outline form. However, from my vantage point the direction is to stick directly with the outline - not omitting points or 'ad libbing'. This point is repeated throughout the Ministerial Training School and the Congregation Coordinators take this very seriously. In the elder's meeting this directive - to stick with GB's outline for talks - is a mandate. Illustrations or experiences should come from WT publications (unless a current news event applies to the outline).

    BOC and Falcon have it correct about assemblies and conventions.

    In addition to 'outline' or full manuscript talks, many congregations have digital projectors (a directive from 'the Branch') that will be showing talks that come directly from New York. It's my speculation that the next step is live feed for Sunday talks.

    That's exactly what will be happening this October for the Annual Meeting - where all will study the 'new understanding' about the F&DS.

  • sir82

    Yes many DC talks are manuscripts. Not sure what percentage - maybe 1/4 or 1/3?

    With all the ideo equipment now required in new KH construction and many if not most KHs required to put it in, I think we'll see piped-in talks from Bethel in the not-too-distant future.

  • cantleave

    When they reduced the PT from 45 to 30 mins it took away your ability to create an introduction and weave it throughout the talk. But the outlines were not manuscripted back then.

  • ?evrything

    I can also confrim that assembly talks are straight from the script and you are NOT allowed to deviate. My dad gives them all the time.

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