I didn't realize PT's were now only 30 minutes.
Public Talks all MANUSCRIPT now???
by hamsterbait 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Mr Falcon said, " there a "heavy" who sat at a desk behind the stage and followed along with his own manuscript copy of the talk being given at any given time. if the speaker went off course, his ass got reamed out when he got off stage with the assurance that he'll never get another talk. "
Wow! Thanks JEHOVAH(tm)!! No pressure from the most loving oranization of all time.......
I was still going regularly until about two months ago and i can tell you theres no new talks that i can remember hearing, all old outline and all old talks i have heard numerous times.
I was constantly raked over the coals for "dressing up" my public talks. It was strange, the brothers in general were really appreciative of how I handled the talks, but the elders chastised me for delivering a talk that strayed so far from the outline. No way that they could be made to understand that I was only making the same point that the outline had made in different words
So much for meditation and making the material my own.
Julia Orwell
I heard from an elder there are 720 public talk outlines. Theoretically then, if you are a Jw for 14 years you've heard them all. In reality, the brothers seem to present the same ones all the time, so in about 5 years you've heard the same ones a couple of times. I was active for 14 years so no wonder the talks got so boring and repetitive.
darth frosty
Julia O, I was talk co-ordinator before I left and their were 119 outlines in circulation. This was as of 2004
i gave many 1 hour talks from the outlines furnished from Brooklyn NY.
As pointed out above. You had to flesh out the outline to fill an hour.
I got used to the the format and cannot imagine how stilted it would feel to basically read a manuscript while trying to keep the audience from nodding off..
Now we're talking Teleprompter.
Obviously they do not trust even the elders to stay completely within the Borg message. The meetings are a joke, brain dead dubs just regurgitating Watchtower approved thoughts. No room for creativity, independent thought, personal expression or deviance from the party line. And they wonder why the born ins won't stay, who would sign up for a lifetime of that?
Thought control requires message control.
Julia Orwell
114 outlines... Well that explains why the talks got so repetitive after a couple of years. Other churches at least can choose topics relevant to the parish and not be limited to a few boring topics.