Your suggestions are good and might probably work under the right circumstances if it is an elder you could stomach talking to.
Your words might be wasted if you are talking to a nice but ignorant man or one who is biased against you possibly because you are intelligent or have a decent job and aren't dependent on anybody in the religion.
You can't imagine the disillusionment I felt back in the day when faced with somebody who was very biased against the type of person I was. I wasn't guilty of any wrongdoing and was just having what I thought was a "conversation" with this person. When I tried to point out to him that the suggestions in the magazines about being "christian" were meant for everybody there, not just me, and I got a blank stare, I realized it was hopeless.
When I added up this experience plus how I was made to feel at so-called shepherding visits, I wanted NOTHING to do with these ignorant bastards and would never have a conversation with them again.
I didn't know it at the time, but this was just one of the rude awakenings that would finally lead me to walk out.