Why I don,t believe in reincarnation.

by jam 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrFreeze

    Yeah but rocks haven't been here forever. What if a rock gets broken in two?

  • BackseatDevil

    I don't believe in reincarnation either, but i do believe that a person (as does every living thing) exerts energy and when a person passes away... sometimes that energy gets absorbed in other parts of the universe... whatever those parts might be.

    I have a whole theory on it... lol



  • Satanus

    'What if a rock gets broken in two?'

    The spirit would divide.

    'Yeah but rocks haven't been here forever.'

    I'm not sure what youre asking. Are you thinking that spirit/awareness needs a recepticle, so to speak, to exist? For the sake continuing the discussion, no, it doesn't. It/they can float around quite contentedly, like a dandielion seed floating in the wind until it lands on dirt, or like coral larvae that float through the ocean, until they find a rock, or like a mushroom puffball spore that floats in the breeze. It has been said that some mushroom spores can survive in outer space.


  • Satanus

    The point is that those spores can float for eons, on the earth, at least.


  • prologos

    of course anything we do, think somehow changes the cosmos in some minute way and is preserved as a fossil record of the past, and effects the future

    (the proverbial butterfly wing in the amazone triggering a hurrican in the gulf of Mexico), but

    the past is gone for good,

    when you are gone, your thought are gone which is bad,

    I do not believe that the feeble electromagnetic imprints that your brain left on the cosmos can be retrieved, transported faster than movement in time into the future and implanted into another living beeing.

    It would violate any known natural law, process.

    but then, snakes used to talk in EDEN ONE.

  • frankiespeakin


    I do not believe that the feeble electromagnetic imprints that your brain left on the cosmos can be retrieved, transported faster than movement in time into the future and implanted into another living beeing.

    What aboutthe possibilty of parallel universes in different frequencies.


    A parallel universe or alternative reality is a hypothetical or fictional self-contained separate reality coexisting with one's own. A specific group of parallel universes is called a "multiverse", although this term can also be used to describe the possible parallel universes that constitute reality. While the terms "parallel universe" and "alternative reality" are generally synonymous and can be used interchangeably in most cases, there is sometimes an additional connotation implied with the term "alternative reality" that implies that the reality is a variant of our own. The term "parallel universe" is more general, without any connotations implying a relationship, or lack of relationship, with our own universe. A universe where the very laws of nature are different – for example, one in which there are no Laws of Motion – would in general count as a parallel universe but not an alternative reality. The correct quantum mechanical definition of parallel universes is "universes that are separated from each other by a single quantum event."


  • frankiespeakin

    duplicate sorry

  • prologos

    frankly speaking, I do not believe they can be retrieved either, not with present technology, but

    however feeble they are, they must be there, moving away.

    The problem arises from the fact that they are reciding into the past at c, and can be only intercepted by someone that is that far beyond our horizon.

    so: you are right if re-incarnation happens it can be only beyond the radius of the outgoing message.

    we are starting to write science fiction, factions here. sorry.

    but please comment on my first post.

  • Satanus

    This brings up the idea of the akashic records. The idea is that records of everything are stored somewhere. If the universe and the multiverse (if it exists) were basically computers, then i could see how this idea might be plausible.

    We have memories of a heck of a lot more than we are able to recall. This has been demonstrated when scientists stimulated some parts of the brain w electrodes. The test subjects found themselves reliving past experiences that they didn't know that they had memories of.


  • T D Joseph
    T D Joseph

    You don’t have to believe it as it is a fact to Jesus Christ. (Mathew 11:14) He did not made it compulsory saying: “If you WANT to accept” and “those who have ears, let them hear.” Because, for this to exist, in spite any one's belief to the contrary.

    Another thing: Remembrance is NOT the criterion. Criterion is Mathew 12:35 and Galatians 6:7 which mean if you have not reaped the consequence of what you did, you have to come back to do so.

    When someone breaks a queue, every one responds in the same way, saying “he is WRONG.” This shows everyone has in-built knowledge of good and bad. No remembrance of the past incident is required.

    Hence the key is whether you are willing to do Mathew 7:12 or not, which is termed as the whole law and the prophets. You have to come back until you learn to do this law joyfully. Once you successfully do that, then you move to the next phase. (John 5:24)

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