I think I again go back to my sentiment that JW's can be very "normal" in many aspects of life, if it weren't for holidays most people would never be able to spot a JW even after several conversations.
Yet no ammish, mennonite, mormon, or hardcore christian ERG would go unnoticed. How many times as a JW did we here "You're a Jehovah's Witness? Really? Wow, I never would have guessed it. You seem so..... normal!"
In so many ways JW's are normal, and even independant individuals. The WTS has been relegating so many elements of the JW daily life to their own individual conscience.
But heres the clincher.... as soon as a thought stopping trigger is pulled, the JW immediately becomes "not normal". Now this individual that is capable of making rationale independant decisions about employment, finances, health & exercise, entertainment, investments, home repairs, business ownership, etc.... now this person throws away logic and takes on the "new personality", that is the WTS conditioned personality that accepts group think to the death.... literally! Despite all their mental capacity the thought stopping trigger immediatley kicks the mind conditioning into full gear leaving their natural personality unidentifiable.
Just like a bomb may contain many such perfectly ordinary items as batteries, wire, fertilizer, cellphone.......JW beliefs are harmless
TO THE UNWARY......until detonated at BAPTISM!
I like this point.... in many ways these harmless "baby steps" of agreement are there, benign, until the trigger is pulled! at those moments all of these small "harmless" parts are slammed together by the mental conditioning and create the self victimizing uber-dub that refuses blood for their spouse and children after a car accident despite this treatment saving all their lives. They will make this decision and DEMAND its execution by the doctors and the courts. Yet this uber-dub could be a lawyer or engineer in his personal life.
They will shun their child for decades because they got DF'd for smoking a cigarette and never "came back" while honoring active JW's emotionally abusing their wives and children while serving the cong as elders.
The difference is, talking to the DF'd one time cigarette smoker child will get them DF'd, but talking to the abusive elder won't. After all, if your DF'd Jah kills you at Armageddon, if your not DF'd then god spares you. Those are the rules right???
A christian sees the difference in the sin, they see how God would view this. The JW just sees only Disfellowshipping. If I do this I get DF'd, therefore I won't do this no matter how bad the consequences are (and vice versa)