Gerrit Loesch was at our DC today!

by goatshapeddemon 134 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer



    If the recording you have includes Loesch saying what you’ve presented about child molesters then the data you have is important enough to take to a local service store and have the data file retrieved and saved. The same source should be able to created a digital copy of the same file for distribution for standard mp3 players.

    But whatever you do, make sure the original data file is saved. What you have is potentially very explosive!

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Vidiot

    Is there a chance anyone could have video?

    It would reduce the accusations of fraud, IMO.

  • baltar447

    Hey goatshappedemon, I'm an IT expert if you need any assistance please contact me I can help get that device working. If you or someone you know have Windows 7 Professional you can download and run XP Mode and load all the software in there. If not there's other tricks.

  • cedars


    What you have is potentially very explosive!

    You can say that again. I'm constantly checking my email to see if it shows up in my inbox. If Losch really said those words, it needs shouting from the rooftops - and I've got my ladders at the ready!


  • frankiespeakin

    It may be that because the WT corporation has a big list of Pedofiles due to their judical meetings records and many have never repeated the offense and so Gerrit is usesing that for forming this opinon?

    Or like GB member "Greenlees" maybe he at one time gave into a desire to do some in appropriate touching and never repeated it again. All of these can be reasons for such a statement. And so he is willing to put children in harms way because he is putting too much emphasis on child molester changing and never repeating the offense or never getting caught repeating the offense leading to the very real possiblity/inevitibility of harm of children in the future do to Corporation policy.

    So while it may be true that just because one engaged in such behavior it is not a guarentee they will do it again, their is the very real likelyhood is they will and for that reason they should not be allowed to engage in certain corporation sponcered activity where children might be harmed.

  • minimus

    well, you know, the demons are busy!

  • goatshapeddemon

    Baltar, thanks. We found a computer running XP and just picked it up from a friends house. We're going to give it a shot. If no dice, I'll PM you for help.

  • sd-7

    What you have is potentially very explosive!

    First of all, that's what she said.

    Now that we've gotten that out of the way (but apparently not out of my system yet), seriously? He just said education is a demon-inspired expression in front of probably thousands of people. It's obviously no more controversial than it's ever been. You can put it on YouTube, send it to the press, but in the end, nobody will care except us and people already starting to have doubts. I may be wrong.

    Certainly the conventions were the primary means of stating overtly extremist things like this--I noticed that even when I still believed it all. Common sense overrode them, in the form of the following facts:

    (1) I have a fierce need to eat.

    (2) The Watchtower has yet to be released in a Nutritional Edition, so I cannot eat it.

    (3) In light of (1) and (2), I have to find a way to eat.

    (4) Food is available in abundance to people who have money to pay for it.

    (5) Money is paid to people who have jobs. (Except in the case of travelling overseers and the like. But I'd have to stop the self-lovin' to even make ministerial servant, so that's not working out so well...)

    (6) More money is paid to people who have greater skills.

    (7) Holy spirit does not provide vocational training or job placement.

    (8) Education provides skills. Some schools even provide job placement.

    (9) Skills provide money.

    (10) Money provides food.

    (11) I need an education.

    (12) The guy who says otherwise ain't payin' my way, I'm payin' his.

    (13) Ignore that guy with a slight frown and sideways glance to see if anyone else is not in zombie mode and actually heard him instructing us to shoot ourselves in the foot, but make sure he's well-fed by our 'voluntary donations'. urging us to forgive people who are apparently unregistered, unknown sex offenders in our midst, he's giving the finger to victims and telling us that siding with victims who want justice done is siding with Satan. Evil? These guys are functional supervillains.


  • jgnat

    You know who else would care? The SNAP network. They have lots of experience with priestly arrogance.

  • Glander

    Sounds like an old horror film...

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