" In other industries the insurance companies wag the dog. In other words, if a costly trend begins, the insurance companies will usually make it so expensive to modify behavior, such as where people build their homes."
Sometimes people talk as though Insurance Companies were the big bad fat cat capitalists who were profiting from disasters.
If that is how a person feels about insurance, the advice I would give is "Fine; don't buy insurance."
Insurance is a business, and profit is the objective of a business. Anyone should know that they are free to start their own non-profit insurance charity if they wish.
Typical Insurance companies collect premiums from a lot of people knowing that the probability that they will have to pay everybody at the same time is low. The people who work for insurance companies get no pay. Wait, that was a joke! Of course everybody expects to get paid for their work and rightly so. Some of the premiums people pay pay salaries and other operating expenses, some money is paid to the investors who bankrolled the insurance company. Most of the money collected in premiuns is invested with the goal of growing that bankroll, because every insurance compny President knows that someday it is going to rain and the company's customers will have to be made whole to the limits of their policy.
The history of insurance is enlightening. A major player during the years of the worldwide British Empire was Lloyd's of London. See the movie (1936, Tyrone Power) here: