Those two articles were interesting Simon. One said that Flood Insurance isn't yet available in Canada.
I find that to be very surprising. I've never acctually thought about this issue much before. I guess it takes
a flood in your own city to get you thinking, unfortunately. It is an interesting issue though, and I'm still
trying to figure out my possition on it. First of all, I'm curious as to what kind of relief (aka: our tax dollars) the government will
provide. And second, like you said, is this fair?
If flood insurance is not even an option in Canada, then much of the blame cannot be put on those people who live close
to the river without purchasing insurance because its not available. But if it were... by them not purchasing it, I think they bear
the blame. Living along a river is a desirable location, but also a dangerous one. Every river overflows at one time or another,
every flood plain will flood one day. These things are sure as the setting sun. So to build or buy a house in a dangerous location,
one must take the risk knowing that one day, whenever that day is, disaster will ensue. And if those people decide not to
protect themselves and then ask for money handouts from the people who made a more calculated decision, I say,
sorry for your loss, but shit happens, and you put your money in the wrong pot.
That all being said, if it is true that Canadian insurance companies don't even offer flood insurance, then I'm willing offer my time
and money to aid those families who got flooded out.
From a Calgarian who's still high and dry,