DC Drama stirs up drama of it's own!!!

by DATA-DOG 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bob_NC

    I think it's not the issue that a husband and wife cannot hold hands during a drama depiction. The issue is that Job's wife would not be his wife in the new system, therefore, this unmarried man and woman would not be holding hands. Heaven forbid! Or paradise forbid, I guess.

  • Oubliette

    My question is this: how could the Faithful and Discreet Slave missed this point when they were working up the drama in the first place? Where was Holy Spirit?

  • Comatose

    If they are not married, and unable to marry, then why as best friends couldn't they hold hands in the new order? Or if they are "like the angels" as its always said, then they could live together, sleep in the same bed and just have no desire or ability to have sex. Seems like a bunch of stupidity. And what it really revolves around is the fact that they know their printed explanation of resurrected people not marrying is hogwash. They realize full well it's full of holes. But, they can't say so, since the bible seems to indicate as they say.

    One of the many things you realize is just total crap when you wake up.


  • mindnumbed

    I came to a wicked reasoning as a JW that differed from the organizational point of view, that, if the Bible was written specifically for the anointed (144,000), and the anointed were to become angels, then the scripture about resurrected ones not marrying and being as the angels (Matt 22:30) applied to them and them alone. Why would that apply to a member of the human family resurrected to life on earth? Would they not have hormones? Would they not have an attraction to another human? Would these traits, feelings, emotions, be eliminated?



    Old Hippie, I am serious. It wasn't the handholding that really caused an issue. The issue was the friends getting the idea that somehow we would still be with our mates in the new world. The GB teach that those who are resurrected will be as angels.. Every dub thinks that if their mate dies, they will never be together again. They will just be platonic friends for an eternity. I don't need to make up things for attention on the internet.

  • TotallyADD

    According to the GB mindnumbed Yes they would. For those resurrected it is a life like a robot. Human feelings would just get in the way. It's good to a survivor of the Big A. You get to keep your human feelings. LOL Totally ADD

  • OnTheWayOut


  • goatshapeddemon

    It's interesting. I'm glad you mentioned this, DATA! I didn't even think of that when I saw it yesterday; maybe that's why the modern-day Job's wife didn't show up! Very weird. The whole drama was very weird.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Yeah they very obviously tap danced around Job's wife. I was waiting for her to show up and then I figured they didn't want to commit themselves to answering the 'will my spouse and I be together in the resurrection' question.


    BOB_NC, said:

    " I think it's not the issue that a husband and wife cannot hold hands during a drama depiction. The issue is that Job's wife would not be his wife in the new system, therefore, this unmarried man and woman would not be holding hands. Heaven forbid! Or paradise forbid, I guess ."

    Exactly! When I told my wife that I celebrated the memorial in private ( because I feel Christians should, I don't think I'm special ) she freaked! Tears, accusations, ect.. She ridiculed me, saying things like, " Oh..Just because you found Jesus this year..." The root of her feelings was fear. She was afraid that if I was anointed (tm), that we would never be together again. She would be alone in paradise. I asked, " What if I died as a "normal" Jw? We won't be together in the New Sysytem." She said. " At least I can see you." The whole thing is messed up. I asked, " If God has promised to satisfy the needs and desires of all his earthly sons and daughters, and he is love, why would he break up our family for an eternity? He can see how upset you are right now over me partaking, because you think we will never be together. The only thing that makes sense is that the WTBTS doesn't have all the answers."

    Goatshappeddemon and Barrold,

    So are you saying that at your DC, Job's wife did not come on stage at all?! At my DC, towards the end of the Drama, Jobs wife came up on stage and stood next to Job. I was too far away to see if any hand-holding occured. Evidently, hand-holding did occur at another DC at some point. That is what caused a letter from HQ to be written. It would seem that later Dramas removed Job's wife from the stage. Did he just call to her, and she never showed?!

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