When I was a little boy growing up in Fort Worth, Texas we lived next to a railroad. It was the 1950's and so many returning veterans
had flooded the job market (which women had filled up until the end of the war) volatile things happened.
1.Women, for the first time, were competitors. If men took their jobs the women were unemployed. If women held onto the jobs the men were unemployed.
2. Industry had over-cranked for the war effort and the drop in demand stifled growth.
3. Many many drifters rode the rails looking for opportunity in city after city.
I say all the above to address the statement BERENGIA made:
Rich people don't create jobs.
Non-rich people create jobs to become rich.
No, you are just overthinking this. Demand = Jobs.
I immediately thought back to all those drifters who wandered up to my neighbor's front door and demanded work for a meal or some money.
They were, for the most part, desperate and anxious men. Some of them were on the edge emotionally.
One such fellow didn't take too kindly when my great grandmother refused to "help out". He chased her into her living room and was pushing the 85 year old against the wall!
His DEMAND did not = JOBS. It got him shot in the leg by my grandfather! (He intended to fire a warning shot at the floor. The hardwood caused a riccochet!)
I still remember the man's name. It was Earl Bunt. I was 8 years old.
Why do I tell you this story?
For years the men wandered the country perfectly willing and able to WORK for FOOD. But, everybody had just come out of the Great Depression and had very little in the way of "extra" for "helping out" those less fortunate.
It was unthinkable in those days to simply BEG without an offer of work. It went against the self-sufficient Puritan ethic that still lingered in our society.
Today, things have changed but the idea of DEMAND=JOBS is still pretty empty as a reality.
That is my experience, anyway.
Added note: My grandson recently obtained a job at the local WAL-MART after searching and applying for over a year! His job consists of bringing baskets in from the parking lot. He works all day in the 100+degree weather and has darkened to the color of mahogany.
He is young and healthy. No older fellow could/would try doing what he is doing.
His DEMAND took a year but it was not the efficient CAUSE of the JOB.
I don't know many people who do not curl their lip at the mention of the "WAL-MART" brand. But, it is a job.