Is the Universe Conscious?

by still thinking 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    A series of Holons.

    A holon (Greek: ?λον, holon neuter form of ?λος, holos "whole") is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. The word was coined by Arthur Koestler in his book The Ghost in the Machine (1967, p. 48). Koestler was compelled by two observations in proposing the notion of the holon. The first observation was influenced by Nobel Prize winner Herbert A. Simon's parable of the two watchmakers, wherein Simon concludes that complex systems will evolve from simple systems much more rapidly if there are stable intermediate forms present in that evolutionary process than if they are not present. [ 1 ] The second observation was made by Koestler himself in his analysis of hierarchies and stable intermediate forms in both living organisms and social organizations. He concluded that, although it is easy to identify sub-wholes or parts, wholes and parts in an absolute sense do not exist anywhere.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL thanks all for your responses. Some gave me a giggle this morning.

    Terry.. So, all I'm saying now is that what you hold in your mind as true about the Universe or consciousness must be clearly and unambiguously

    instantiated by defintions attainable and agreeable to all the rest of us----for us to participate meaingfully in your topic.

    It was just a concept I was putting out there. I thought it was interesting. I do not have any belief in a god. And for cofty..I think deepak chopra is a scam artist. (just my personal view, no offfense to anyone who does believe in him).

    I have been searching for a definition of consciousness and I find it elusive. So I find it difficult to give it a definition when it comes to the universe. I'm not sure we have a word to describe it. That is why I would like to explore this topic. To get people collectives ideas and see if it can give me a better understanding.

    When we consider that WE are conscious, and we are a product of the universe. The UNIVERSE itself must be conscious in some way, to be able to even create something that is conscious of itself, mustn't it?

    *please note, before anyone jumps on the word 'create', I am not talking about some GOD creating anything. I am using it strickly in this definition.

    cre•ate (kre-at') ? v. To cause to exist; bring into being. v. To give rise to; produce:

    The universe somehow caused us to exist.
  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Yeah right, who took that picture, and how? Think about it.

    LOL...I hope that most people can figure out that that is NOT an actual photo of us in the universe, but an artists concept of where we are in the universe...or more to the point, in our galaxy.

    To anyone that actually got confused and thought that this was a photo of us (I doubt there IS anyone that thinks this), just to clarify...IT IS

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    As far as I know, science has not properly come to terms with "consciousness".

    How are we civilians going to improve on that? With imagination?

    Forgive me if I'm wrong...but isn't science conducted BY humans? WE CIVILIANS are just as capable of thinking about consciousness as a scientist, we are conscious after all. In fact, many philosophers have some sort of explanation of what they believe consciousness to be. Dan Dennet for example.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Creepy man with syrupy voice...xanthippe

    LOL...I have to agree with that. But If you can get past that...


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Maybe we're all cells in a giant brain.

    We die and are replaced like cells in our own body....simon

    Funny you should say that. I was thinking the other day how it could be possible that we are just some virus in a body like entity that we call...the universe. Building structures that damage it and put it out of whack, and the antibodies constantly trying to wipe us out (viruses, natural disasters)

  • Satanus

    A facet of hinduism is the study of consciousness. They have whole books on it:

    'Perception is sensory awareness. Cognition is reflective awareness. Consciousness is awareness-as-such. In Indian psychology, as represented by Samkhya-Yoga and Advaita Vedanta systems, consciousness and mind are fundamentally different. Reality is the composite of being (sat), knowing (cit) and feeling (ananda). Consciousness is the knowledge side of the universe. It is the ground condition of all awareness. Consciousness is not a part or aspect of the mind. Mind is physical and consciousness is not. Consciousness does not interact with the mind, the brain or any other physical objects or processes. Nor does it have any causative role in mental activity. Hence the existence of consciousness does not interfere or upset the apparently closed physical system. Mind in this view is the interfacing instrumentality that faces consciousness on one side and the brain and the rest of the physical world on the other. Mind is closely connected with the different systems of the brain. In normal perceptions, the mind takes the forms of objects via the channels of the sensory system and the processes in the brain. The forms themselves are non-conscious representations of the world of objects. The mental forms (vrittis) become conscious experiences in the light of the purusha. The vritti in sensory form is perception and with the reflection of the purusha it becomes cognition. All conscious perceptions are therefore cognitions.

    Document Type: Research article

    Publication date: 2005-01-01

    Perception, Cognition and Consciousness in Classical Hindu Psychology

    Author: Rao, K. Ramakrishna


    Sanskrit has philosophical terms for which we have no equivalents, in english.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thanks Satanus...blow your mind with THIS video...only 10mins.

    Think about the fact that at the beginning of the universe....everything was ONE. We are all connected...we are all a part of the universe.

    From the Matrix ...What is real? Define real...if you are talking about what you can feel, what you can smell taste and see, then real is simply electrical signal interpreted by your brain.

  • AwareBeing

    All life is resonate at the DNA level.

    This strand in the double helix form, is a miniaturized antenna.

    Studies show that it begins to vibrate at the same Hz as a micro wave!

    Music tuned at 432Hz is used for natural healing of body parts under the skin.

    There's allot of information on the web about this, yet not so publicized.

    There's You Tube videos demonstrating water's capacity to "remember!"

    Try researching this stuff, then look into synchronicity; you'll be amazed.

    We're connected, all are one; still most chose to vibrate at low levels.

    This leaves very few who operate as children of light.

    God created us with potential for growth, to tap His energy and intellect.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    still most chose to vibrate at low levels.

    Hi Awarebeing..welcome to the thread. Can you explain to me what this means?

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