To paraphrase a well known saying. Is it true, in a judicial committee, if you can fake repentance, then they are likely to let you off being disfellowshipped, almost regardless of the "severity" of the sin involved? Can former elders and perhaps victims of the process shed light on the matter?
Genuine repentance - if you can fake that you'll avoid getting disfellowshipped
by slimboyfat 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes. That's about the size of it.
However, if it's seen to be a 'practice(TM)' of whatever the 'sin' is supposed to be then it may still lead to DFing.
It depends on the will of the biggest bully on the BOE that is on the comittee in many cases. Or the result may even be per determined by the BOE before the CJ even meets. It varies from bully to bully congregation to congregation.
One of the things that helped wake me up was that the 'sinner(TM)' was given 7 days to appeal the bully's JC's desicion. Thus proving that even God makes mistakes and changes his mind........being all powerful and all!
Yes that is absolutely the case.
The elders manual has several pages of questions which are supposed to help elders determine if the accused is showing "genuine repentance" or not. Stuff like "did he apologize to the offended person(s)?" and "is he sorry over a damaged relationship with Jehovah, or merely sorry because he got caught?"
I am convinced that this is one of the primary reasons that the Society does not want this book in the hands of the rank & file.
If they had it, every person facing a judicial committee would know exactly what words & expressions to use to get off from being DF'ed.
Without the book, and not knowing the list of "magic questions", the accused can only guess at what the elders are looking for. If he guesses correctly, and says stuff about his "damaged relationship with Jehovah", he'll get off 99% of the time. If he doesn't guess right, and spends his time talking about the effect his DF-ing might have on his family, himself, etc., then off he goes to DF city.
If anyone is facing an upcoming judicial case, and you don't want to be DF'ed - spend virtually all the time in front of the elders talking about "your damaged relationship with Jehovah" and how you are so sorry you "brought reproach on his name", etc. Really lay it on thick.
The elders will lap it up like starving kittens with a plate of milk and you'll almost certainly get off with just a "reproof".
Oh, what Punk said is also true: If there has been a "practice" of sin, or if it is an offense for which you have been DF'ed before, then even if you blather on about a "damaged relationship with Jehovah" they'll DF you.
The elders' manual says something like "Although there is no such thing as an automatic disfellowshipping, some are so entrenched in their sin that it would be virtually impossible for them to demonstrate genuine repentance".
In other words, "even though we say there is no such thing as automatic disfellowshipping, there really is".
That is true. Also another way to not get disfellowshipped even if you do not show repentence is to be a female LOL. But really it seemed like all the women we had cases with once they started crying its like all the elders looked at each other and all got droopy face and lilterally tried to lead them to repentence.
Literally, one sister just didn't give two F*($)... yet the brothers led her to repentence LOL.
What a joke. It did help that she had a humongous booty and was so cute you could eat off her face.
One elder told me once: there is a difference between baking a bread... and being a baker :D
I dealt with quite a few adultery cases as an elder and only one was DF. The one that got DF was a prominent, married elder in the congregation
getting a few BJ from prostitutes.
I was not Df even though the elders knew i did not believe in the watchtower anymore. They allowed me just to fade.
Of course being one of them, having buddies on the body of elders always helps.
Sincerity is the basis of all relationship....and if you can fake that, you've got it made.
That is absolutely true... kind of.
The position of the person, how popular they are, and how well known the sin is are also taken into consideration. so if there were several reports a ministeria servant was f'n around, then to provide a good example to the flock, he would be df'ed. however, with sincere repentance he would be reinstated in no time.
But generally speaking, you are correct.
There's a brother in my Congregation who confessed to molesting 25 boys under the age of 16 and he never got df'ed so it seems you can get away with anything.
Also, my Brother-in-law, legend that he is, has had 5 JCs and never been df'ed (is that a record?) Some people can talk themselves out of anything.