Is Serena facing a JC?
by zed is dead 13 Replies latest jw friends
zed is dead
Fooling around with a married man, and it is in the press! I wonder what the God she thanks after her victories thinks of this?
It's a good article but she won't care UNLESS she loses tons of $$$$$$.
I've never seen one iota of proof that she was ever baptized.
No baptism = no committee = no DF.
You are correct. She must be a liar when she tells people she's a JW.
She must be a liar when she tells people she's a JW.
I've lost count of the people I've run into who claimed they were a JW but never really were. Mostly people raised in it who still have the notion that it must be true, but never go to a Kingdom Hall.
I'd bet she hasn't set foot in a KH, except maybe for a handful of Memorials, in the past 10+ years.
As a child, I had a neighbor and two relatives who claimed to be JW's. None of them were, by the JW definition. They thought they were because they had been convinced that the BS was right. What puzzles me is why anyone would want to be ID'd as a JW when they're living their life in freedom.
She recently said she goes house to house.
Claiming to be a JW + Claiming to go door to door =/= has been baptized.
I can claim that I've been secretly dating Brooklyn Decker for the past 6 months - but that don't make it so.
She's not baptized.
...she may(?) get a chit-chat??? A warning talk given in the hall her mom goes to?