Depression & natural ways to deal with it

by love2Bworldly 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    I was on Prozac for about 10 years, and finally went off all meds about 18 months ago. The Prozac was causing me to have manic episodes, so they added a Bipolar medicine as well as a sleep aid, and the bipolar medicine made me dizzy & nauseaus.

    So now I work really hard at exercising regularly, I take a lot of natural supplements including natural lithium & megadoses of omega upon advice of a homeopathic doctor. But I have been suffering since I was a young child. I don't feel motivated to do much, other than go to work every day and come home. I am getting SO bored with my job but it's a state job and I feel very lucky to have it so I don't plan on quitting, I need to put in another 8 years so I can retire & have my health benefits.

    I am trying to figure out right now if I am really depressed, or just unhappy with my job. I can't seem to find a hobby or activity that brings me motivation & joy. I did join Toastmasters recently to help me overcome my fear of public speaking & increase my self confidence, and I do enjoy being part of the group.

    I guess I want to know if anyone out there is trying to deal with depression in natural ways and if you have found things that work? I have researched it on the internet & feel like I have tried everything they say to do. I feel discouraged because I really don't want to go back on medication.

    I think I need to take some classes. Anyway, don't mean to ramble but am feeling discouraged right now.

  • jgnat

    Look up Buddhist mindfulness. It helps my Schizophrenic son, who has a very serious illness, but it does help to give him a couple hours peace. I talked at length about this on the weekend with my Psychologist girlfriend, and she gave me new tips and tricks in using this great technique.

    Regulate your sleep. Go to bed and wake up to the clock. If you are manic, have a longer sleep period. If you are depressive, have a shorter one.

  • Scully

    I would have suggested a second opinion from another physician when Prozac was causing you to have manic episodes that they treated with medication for bipolar disorder.

    My main concern is that Lithium has a very narrow therapeutic range and you should be having your levels tested regularly to prevent toxicity. As I said, the boundary between therapeutic levels and toxic levels is quite narrow, and you could be putting yourself in harm's way by going the "natural" route without proper monitoring.

    People can be on antidepressants long-term, just like they can be on medication for Type 2 Diabetes long term. Depression is an imbalance in brain chemistry, which can be endemic (part of your usual brain chemistry) or related to other external factors, like stress, lack of coping skills, poor self esteem etc. It can be long term or temporary. Antidepressants have come a long way since Prozac - maybe you need to try a different medication than Prozac. Newer ones like Pristiq combine the SSRI (Serotonin Specific Reuptake Inhibitor) of Prozac with an NRI (Norepinepherine Reuptake Inhibitor) with good effect.

    It's important to make physical activity and healthy lifestyle a part of your daily routine. Start with walking, increasing the duration and intensity of your sessions. Make better food choices, which along with exercise will contribute to your overall sense of accomplishment in self care.

    Find something you think you might enjoy and join a group who enjoys the same activity. There are lots of choices - check for groups in your area.

    Finally, be kind to yourself. Being part of a high control religious group like the JWs does a number on your self esteem, and if you are being shunned by people who you were once close to, that makes it all the worse.

  • jgnat

    Good point about the lithium, Scully! My mother's blood levels had to be checked constantly for toxicity. If a person's not manic, lithium won't help!

  • Bobcat

    I've heard that a handful of unroasted cashews are equivalent in some way to a dose of Prozac. Some the more health-food store conscious are touting that recently. I don't know if there is any validity to that, although, I imagine a Google search would bring up something.

    In fact, a little Googling produced this page.

  • HBH

    Kratom, ( Mitragyna speciosa) tastes terrible, but works.


  • jgnat

    You know, pills have something going for them. You know exactly what you are getting. These "natural" medication substitutes could have high or low concentrations. You have no way of knowing.

    I once picked up a Chinese tea to deal with raging congestion. The problem with steeped teas is you never know how much is too much.

    I'm all for natural habits and activities that reduce depression. But nuts? Berries? Herbs?

    I read enough horror stories when I worked at the Pesticide Chemicals Branch. A well-meaning mother poisons her infant with too much Zinc. Lemon grass contaminated with dioxins.

  • LisaRose

    I have had success with B vitamins, but depression is such an individual thing, it's hard to say what would work in your case. I always recommend meditation, it helps with a lot of things, it's zero cost and its not possible to overdose. Make sure you are getting adequate sunlight, that helps me a lot. I also recommend you see a psychiatrist, not a psychologist or MD. With your history, it's better to go that way. To many MDs prescribe antidepressants, in my opinion, you need someone more knowledgeable to know what the right thing is for you. I was given Cymbalta by a nurse practitioner, it was a complete disaster, research this very carefully before to take, it works for some people but has a lot of side effects and is very difficult to get off of. You have to taper off very gradually, some people have to count the granules, it took me four months to go off completely, and I still had major side effects. But for some people it is a life saver, just be informed.

  • rebel8

    I treated lots of bipolar folks who tried herbs and ended up hospitalized.

  • love2Bworldly

    Thank you for the suggestions etc, it makes me feel better just knowing someone out there is listening. Thanks!!! :-)

    The HMO I belong to loves to dispense prescriptions and I was told by my physiciatrist that I would have to take bipolar meds for the rest of my life, so that's why I am a little tired of doctors. I believe the medical establishment is all about making money on their prescriptions that have long lists of side effects.

    Since I also want to be healthier in general, and I need to lose a few pounds, I have decided to 'get addicted' to exercise for a while, join a gym etc, and I have a roommate who said she would start getting up early in the morning to do yoga with me. The exercise may give me the extra boost I need emotionally. I am not totally against going back on meds, but it's just not my favorite option.

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