A great point was made by NeverKnew on another thread about certain doctrinal issues will cause a 'Thinker' to wake up, but a 'Feeler' will just shrug and carry on. The Feeler JW is often not stupid, but intellectually lazy. They will often not bother to do research, whatever is said from the platform is fine.
I am a thinker, my wife is a feeler. When I first woke up I showed her some doctrinal inconsistencies and she just shrugged and said, "So"?
What I am thinking so far as ways to reach a feeler;
- Child abuse scandals and payouts
- Quote mining, rewritten history and lies by the WTS in their pubs
- The WT's ignorant attitude towards women.
I have tried all of these with my lovely wife. Her response to the first is, "how do you know all this? I don't believe that." Unfortunately I am unable to show her references other than the boooring court docs because she won't want to look at any "apostate" sites.
To the second, she just gets mad.. Like.. MAD at me for even suggesting that they would lie. She won't even consider it, let alone look at and read the references.
To the third, she doesn't see it. It's just the way things are. I treat her as my equal, but she isn't the women's lib type and puts me in the lead anyway.
She finally is willing to imagine a possibility where I get DF'ed and our lives are actually affected by my waking up. She will still talk with me about it, but doesn't like to express herself so it's difficult to get her to explain her feelings on matters. She also gets her back up when talking about the GB. She doesn't care about doctrinal issues, she doesn't care about scandals. I'm near my wits end, but will not give up.
What I'm looking for is input on my situation, and also a list or discussion about ways to reach a Dub like my wife. She's the 'never really studied, can't quote scriptures, misses half the meetings and goes out in service once a month... But has been to meetings since birth and so is brainwashed without any real solid basis for her faith'... Type. One would think she would be an easy case, but she seems willing to overlook all this BS just to stay in touch with friends and family and maybe even survive the big A.
Tough nut to crack. To top it off I'm an atheist, and all she knows of evolution and natural history is from the bOrg books.
What has worked for some of you? We can't all be Thinkers.