Casual sexism in Watchtower literature

by slimboyfat 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heartofaboy

    I have always felt incensed at the way the borg elevates men over women.

    There are so many really dumb elders who have wives that could jump hoops through them intellectually & physically.

    Men & women should be equals in a relationship.............I saw the problems in my own parents marriage as they tried to apply the headship of the man nonsense after they became JW's.

    I would say the JW's ruined a good marriage & it impacted on us kids.

  • stillin

    On another note, I'm not a big fan of Hillary Clinton's, but I really felt that she did a great job while she was Secretary of State. As one poster pointed out in this thread, some of the sisters' reading skills put the male Watchtower readers to absolute shame...and the brothers aren't even aware of it because they don't even comprehend what good reading is!

    perhaps the lack of women in the hierarchy has something to do with the lack of heart in the Borg.

  • scotsman

    lol, there's absolutely no *casual* sexism in the WTBTS literature as it's all intended.

  • slimboyfat

    By casual sexism I did not mean harmless or innocuous. I meant that they are sexist even when not intending to be. The quote from the Kingdom Ministry had nothing to do with so-called "headship" or any Bible principle. It was simply the expression of an antediluvian chauvinistic attitude for its own sake.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I believe the word 'institutionalised' describes what you mean. It's been there so long it's part of the furniture and is throughout and indicative of the institution of Jw as a whole.

  • perfect1

    GREAT THREAD SBF et al!!!!

  • Jeffro

    St George of England:

    *** w52 4/15 pp. 254-255 Questions From Readers ***
    Is it proper for men to tip their hats to women?—G. S., Missouri.
    This is a rant about hat tipping and not standing for a woman.

    Ah... what a 'wonderful' article. Such resplendant advice.

    *** w52 4/15 p. 255 Questions From Readers ***

    Many customs are harmless, but when they contradict a theocratic principle Satan is behind it to discredit God.
    What custom does exist whereby women show respect to men? The absence of any is not just by chance, but is by satanic design to untheocratically elevate the woman above the man. In many ways Satan has taken the woman from the position assigned her by God, taken her from the home and its duties and put her into politics and commerce and religious leadership, and thereby caused much of the modern breakdown on the family front.

    O... K...

    Superstitious paranoid idiots.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Um, customs which women use to indicate respect to men? In the 1950's, the fact that she sweated her pretty little face over the stove all day then prettied up herself and cleaned the kids' faces at 5 to greet the husband when he came home from work, served dinner, washed up, put the kids to bed, brougr hubby his pipe, newspaper and slippers, deferred to him by having no ambition outside the home or any other interest that would even momentarily take her away from his immediate needs or the kids. Maybe that is satanic too?

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