There was this uber-righteous pioneer/MS in my congregation who I wouldn't be surprised if he one day makes it to the GB.
He was an only child and his parents where ultra-JWs. He rarely associated with other youths in the congregation socially as there was virtually no one who was considered good enough association for him. He was a nice guy, just you couldn't really talk to him about anything other than 'the truth'. He also looked a bit odd - in that he wore his fathers handmedown suits that looked so old fashioned on him. Also he had this copper hair that was parted on the side (like the 50's). He was a very nerdy looking guy due to this bad fashion sense and his over over protection (even for JW standards).
He was a MS pretty young and was sometimes up giving talks more often than some of the elders - this boy was going places (in the org).
Anyway he was maybe 8 years older than me and there was a period when I was witnessing alot and used to work with him fairly often. I must have been about 17 and he would have been mid twenties. We did get on pretty well cause I was never a judgemental person in the org.
He knocked on this door and this young attractive girl answered. She seemed relatively smart and they started talking about whatever subject was on the Awake for that fortnight. Things soon turned to doctrine. I was mostly (okay completely) just standing there like an idiot, not getting involved in the conversation recruiting.
She started asking some tough questions and this guy started with the typical circular reasoning (to avoid giving a straight answer). The subject was about immorality or something and he had mentioned that God commanded we don't have sex before marriage.
So I could tell she was getting a bit pissed off that he wasn't answering any of her questions, so she stopped and asked - "Are you a virgin?"
There was complete silence as the brothers cheeks lit up bright red, then he muttered quietly, "yes".
I couldn't control myself and started out and out laughing - I just couldn't stop, was in total stitches. I felt so bad and later was trying to apologise to him but i was still laughing during the apology it tickled me so much.
Needless to say I didn't give a great witness for Jehovah in that instance.