Blondie's CommentsYou Will Not Hear at the 06-30-2013
by blondie 20 Replies latest jw friends
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-30-2013 WT Study (APRIL 15, 2013, pages 27-30)(TIRE OUT)
Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS
WT material from today's WT will be in black
w = Watchtower
g = Awake
jv = Proclaimers book
Bible translations
WT publications (old) (new)
WT child abuse
Blood issue
United Nations
Also posted on
“Let us not give up in
doing what is fine.”
—GAL. 6:9.
I see a thread on this…personally I saw nothing of real interest or difference just the same hammering.
Organization 18 times in 18 paragraphs
What provisions help us maintain
our zeal for the truth?
How does focusing on the
worship of Jehovah affect our
meeting attendance?
How can our decisions indicate
whether we will endure or tire
out in our service?
1, 2. How is our confidence heightened by contemplating Jehovah’s
universal organization?
IT IS awe-inspiring to contemplate that we are part
of a vast universal organization. The visions recorded
in Ezekiel chapter 1 and Daniel chapter 7 vividly
portray Jehovah maneuvering matters to a grand climax.
Jesus is taking the lead in directing the earthly
part of Jehovah’s organization to focus on preaching
the good news, to care spiritually for those carrying
out this work, and to promote the true worship of Jehovah.
What confidence this gives us in Jehovah’s organization!—
Matt. 24:45.
Is Jesus taking the lead…only through the GB, you must go through them to get to Jesus, an addition to having to go through Jesus.
Through Jesus—in the Bible—17 times
Through Christ—in the Bible—2 times
Through the organization—in the Bible—0 times
GB teaches that it is through these. Where is Jesus?
*** w12 8/1 p. 28 Champions of the Truth ***
Brother Jackson urged the students to be sensitive to the direction Jehovah gives through his holy spirit, the Bible, and his organization.
2 Are we personally in step with this wonderful
organization? Is our enthusiasm for the truth ever-increasing,
or is it decreasing? When considering
such questions, we may note that we have begun to
tire out or perhaps have lost some of our zeal. That
can happen. In the first century, the apostle Paul had
to exhort fellow Christians to consider the zealous
example of Jesus. Paul said that this would help them
not to “get tired and give out in [their] souls.” (Heb.
12:3) In a similar manner, careful examination of
the preceding article, which shows what is being accomplished
by Jehovah’s organization, ought to have
done much toward helping us maintain our enthusiasm
and endurance.
So how is zeal measured…by your time slip. Who measures you, the elders, the CO. This is not self-examination.
How were the early Christians able to measure their zeal without time slips?
3. What is needed in order for us not to tire out, and what
will we consider in this article?
3 Paul, however, indicated that more is needed if
we are not going to tire out. He stated that we would
need to work at “doing what is fine.” (Gal. 6:9) Thus,
action is needed on our part. Let us consider five
areas of activity that can help us to remain steadfast
and to keep pace with Jehovah’s organization. Then
we can personally decide whether there are aspects
to which we or our families need to give greater attention.
“what is fine”?
Keep pace with “Jehovah’s organization”—so did Jesus say that the sheep who were lost and hurt should get cracking and catch up?
w02 3/1 p. 16 How Precious Is the Truth to You? ***
But where does the ultimate responsibility lie if we are to persevere in our way of life based on the truth? Really, the responsibility rests with each one of us. And that is true both under normal circumstances and in difficult times. Consider the following incident.
In Scotland some young lambs were grazing in a pasture when one of them strayed to the side of a hillock and tumbled onto a ledge below. It was uninjured, but it was frightened and unable to climb back. So it started to bleat plaintively. Its mother heard it, and she too began to bleat until the shepherd came and retrieved the young lamb.
Notice the sequence of events. The lamb called for help, the ewe added her voice to its cries, and the alerted shepherd sprang into action to rescue it. If a very young animal and its mother can sense danger and immediately call for help, should we not do the same when we stumble spiritually or face unexpected dangers from Satan’s world?
Is that was Jesus said? Or did he say that the shepherd took the initiative to go looking (no bleating mentioned) and that the shepherd would be responsible for how he treated the sheep?
(Matthew 18:12-14) 12 “What do YOU think? If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? 13 And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell YOU, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed. 14 Likewise it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish.
4. Why can we say that gathering together is an
integral part of true worship?
4 Gathering together has always been
a key activity for Jehovah’s servants. In
the invisible realm, spirit creatures are
invited into Jehovah’s immediate presence
at appropriate times. (1 Ki. 22:19;
Job 1:6; 2:1; Dan. 7:10) In ancient Israel,
the nation was to gather “in order that
they may listen and in order that they
may learn.” (Deut. 31:10-12) Jews in the
first century had the custom of going to
the synagogues to read from the Scriptures.
(Luke 4:16; Acts 15:21) This emphasis
on meeting together continued
with the formation of the Christian congregation,
and it is still a major part of
our worship. True Christians “consider
one another to incite to love and fine
works.” We need to keep on “encouraging
one another, and all the more so
as [we] behold [Jehovah’s] day drawing
near.”—Heb. 10:24, 25.
What is an appropriate time?
Did the Christians meet for 5 meetings a week? Where is the bible basis for that?
Read from the scriptures—not a publication, the bible was feature first and foremost, not some human’s explanation. What happened when the Jews started putting human explanations above God’s word (Talmud)?
(Matthew 15:3-9) 3 In reply he said to them: “Why is it YOU also overstep the commandment of God because of YOUR tradition? 4 For example, God said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘Let him that reviles father or mother end up in death.’ 5 But YOU say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother: “Whatever I have by which you might get benefit from me is a gift dedicated to God,” 6 he must not honor his father at all.’ And so YOU have made the word of God invalid because of YOUR tradition. 7 YOU hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about YOU, when he said, 8 ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’”
5. How can we encourage one another at our
5 One important way in which we encourage
one another is by having a share
in our meetings. We can make a public
expression of our faith by answering a
printed question, by giving an application
of a scripture, by relating a brief experience
that illustrates the wisdom of
following Bible principles, or in other
ways. (Ps. 22:22; 40:9) Surely you will
agree that no matter how many years
we have been attending meetings, it remains
a source of encouragement to listen
to the heartfelt comments made by
our brothers and sisters—old and young.
Share—so when I attended only 3 or 4 commented, a few more at the WT study? Who had the hands up frequently? Who was the sister that saved the WT conductor? Did the elders, MS, their families, regular pioneers comment once at every meeting?
BRIEF experience…and don’t go beyond what the GB has put in the article.
Heartfelt comments—reading from the paragraph, “the Watchtower says,” “the magazine says,” the paragraph says” hardly ever “the Bible says.”
6. How do our meetings help us to stay spiritually
6 For what other reasons does our
God place such importance on our regularly
gathering together? Our meetings,
assemblies, and conventions help us to
have courage to speak with boldness
and to deal with opposition or apathy
in our territories. (Acts 4:23, 31) We are
strengthened and made firm in the faith
by the Scriptural discussions. (Acts 15:
32; Rom. 1:11, 12) The teaching and interchange
of encouragement that we receive
at our gatherings for worship help
us to experience real happiness and give
us “quietness from days of calamity.”
(Ps. 94:12, 13) The Teaching Committee
of the Governing Body oversees the
preparation of all spiritual programs for
the instruction of Jehovah’s people earth
wide. How thankful we can be for the
provisions that are made for us to enjoy
wholesome teaching at our meetings
every week of the year!
How about the fear of having the elders talk to you because the only time they do is to point out your flaws?
Or the gossipy sister who spreads everybody business all over the congregation, getting the facts wrong, or making up what she can’t ferret out.
Are the scriptures discussed or WT publications? Could jws talk about their beliefs only using the bible without the crutch of a WT publication?
7, 8. (a) What is the primary purpose of our
congregation meetings? (b) How do the meetings
help you spiritually?
7 There is something even more important,
however, than the personal benefits
we receive from our meetings. The
primary purpose of our gathering together
is to worship Jehovah. (Read
Psalm 95:6.) What a privilege we have
to praise our wonderful God! (Col. 3:
16) Jehovah deserves our regular worship
through our attendance and participation
at theocratic gatherings. (Rev. 4:11)
It is no wonder, then, that we are exhorted
‘not to forsake the gathering of
ourselves together, as some have the custom’!—
Heb. 10:25.
Primary purpose, to worship Jehovah – where does Jesus fit into this?
How many jws in your hall praised God before or after the meetings? Was it social events, gossip, etc.
Inactive mans not turning in a time slip, not about meeting attendance
Participation, how many do and put it in their own words?
8 Do we see our Christian meetings as
a provision to help us endure until Jehovah
acts against this wicked system of
things? If so, the meetings will be among
“the more important things” that we
make room for in our busy lives. (Phil.
1:10) It would have to be something extremely
significant to cause us to miss an
opportunity to be united with our brothers
in worship of Jehovah.
Christian meetings – only jws have “Christian” meetings, the non-jws are only so-called or professed Christians
And when God acts, he will have all 7.5 billion plus non-jws, men, women and children destroyed eternally…this is not a destruction of buildings, infrastructure.
The WTS tries to keep jws so busy they have no time for caring for their family. I can remember many elders families that fell apart because elder husbands never had time for a study with their children or a meaningful conversation with their wives.
Define “extremely significant.” Can only death qualify? I knew several jws that scheduled their operations around the meetings.
9. How do we know that the preaching work is
9 Having a full share in the preaching
work also helps us to keep in step
with Jehovah’s organization. Jesus set
this work in motion when he was here
on earth. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Since then,
the Kingdom-preaching and disciple making
work has been a main focus
of Jehovah’s entire organization. Many
modern-day experiences give evidence
that the angels are supporting our work
and guiding us to those “rightly disposed
for everlasting life.” (Acts 13:48; Rev. 14:
6, 7) The earthly part of Jehovah’s organization
is in place today and organized
to support this all-important work. Is the
ministry also the focus of our life?
Define “full share.” Should all jws be regular pioneers? It is possible to find an experience in the publications to fit any jw’s “circumstances.” No excuses.
Keep in step with humans or Jesus? If we are in step with Jesus won’t we be in step with the organization? Hmmm.
Angels supporting but not providing individual protection.
*** w08 9/15 p. 9 Jehovah Is “the Provider of Escape” for Us ***
What About Physical Protection?
8 As individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed. We take the position expressed by the three faithful Hebrews who refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s image of gold. Those God-fearing young men did not presume that Jehovah would miraculously protect them from physical harm. (Read Daniel 3:17, 18.) As matters turned out, Jehovah did deliver them from the flames of the fiery furnace. (Dan. 3:21-27) Even in Bible times, however, miraculous deliverance was the exception rather than the rule. Many faithful servants of Jehovah died at the hands of opposers.—Heb. 11:35-37.
10. (a) Illustrate how we might maintain our
enthusiasm for the truth. (b) How has the ministry
helped you not to tire out?
10 Being zealous in the ministry helps
us to maintain our enthusiasm for the
truth. Consider the comments of Mitchel,
a longtime elder and regular pioneer.
He states: “I love telling people about
the truth. I think about a new article in
The Watchtower or Awake! and just marvel
at the wisdom, insight, and perfect
balance in each issue. I want to get out
in the ministry to see how people will
react, how I can spark their interest.
Zealous = regular pioneering?
Enthusiasm = not viewing non-jws as dead already
Why not pick out a scripture? Jesus said the sheep would hear his voice…in the scriptures, not some rechewed human version.
1. The Governing Body
2. Branch Committees
3. Traveling overseers
4. Bodies of elders
5. Congregations
6. Individual publishers
PICTURE: No Jesus in this illustration; shows how Jesus is not in the WTS picture in general.
My ministry keeps me stable. I force
everything else to take place either before
or after the time slot set aside for
the ministry.” Likewise, our staying busy
in our sacred service can help us to continue
steadfast in these last days.—Read
1 Corinthians 15:58.
11. Why should we make full use of the spiritual
food we receive from Jehovah?
11 Jehovah has provided a bounteous
supply of written spiritual food to give
us strength. No doubt, you can think of
a time when after reading a publication,
you thought: ‘That is exactly what I needed!
It is as if Jehovah had that written
just for me!’ That is not a coincidence.
Through these provisions, Jehovah does
instruct and guide us. He has said: “I
shall make you have insight and instruct
you in the way you should go.” (Ps. 32:8)
Do we strive to take in all the spiritual
food we receive and meditate on it? Doing
so will help us to continue to bear
fruit and not wither spiritually in these
difficult last days.—Read Psalm 1:1-3; 35:
28; 119:97.
God provided the bible; why did he need to provide uninspired human words to explain? How many words in the publications are from the Bible and how many from imperfect humans in the WTS?
Does God write the WT publications? Does the WTS say that.
*** w96 4/15 p. 19 Why True Worship Receives God’s Blessing ***
Bible translations themselves are not inspired by God. Translations, by their very nature, may reflect variations of the understanding of the original tongues in which the Bible was recorded.
12. What can help us not to take our spiritual
provisions for granted?
12 It is good for us to consider the
work that is involved in making sure
that we receive this regular flow of
healthy spiritual provisions. The Writing
Committee of the Governing Body oversees
the process of researching, writing,
proofreading, illustrating, and translating
our printed publications as well as
material posted on our Web site. Printing
branches ship literature to congregations
near and far. Why is all this work
done? So that Jehovah’s people are well-fed
spiritually. (Isa. 65:13)May we be diligent
in partaking of all the spiritual food
we receive through Jehovah’s organization.—
Ps. 119:27.
Is the Writing Committee of the GB inspired?
Spiritual food – only the bible qualifies, and not even that is inspired?
13, 14. Who are supporting Jehovah’s arrangements
in the heavens, and how can we show
similar support on earth?
13 In the vision given to the apostle
John, Jesus is seen riding on a white
horse to conquer those rebelling against
Jehovah. (Rev. 19:11-15) How faith strengthening
it is to know that right behind
Jesus are the faithful angels and
with him are the anointed conquerors
from the earth, who have already received
their heavenly reward! (Rev. 2:26,
27)What a superlative example that is of
supporting Jehovah’s arrangements!
Did you know that the WTS teaches that the anointed who died before 1918 and were resurrected and those that have died since, will be joining Jesus and the angels in the destruction of 7.5 plus billion non-jws, men, women and children, eternal death?
Supporting God’s arrangements = only supporting the WTS
14 In like manner, the great crowd fully
supports the work of Christ’s anointed
brothers who are still on earth and
who are taking the lead in the organization
today.(Read Zechariah 8:23.) How
can we show our individual support for
Jehovah’s arrangements? One way is by
being in subjection to those taking the
lead. (Heb. 13:7, 17) This starts right
in our own congregation. Do our comments
about the elders build respect for
them and their office of oversight? Do we
encourage our children to respect these
faithful men and to look to them for
Scriptural advice? Additionally, do we
discuss as a family how we can use our
finances to support the worldwide work
through our donations? (Prov. 3:9; 1 Cor.
16:2; 2 Cor. 8:12) Do we view as important
the privilege of sharing in the upkeep
of the Kingdom Hall? Jehovah’s
spirit flows freely where there is such respect
and unity. Through that spirit, we
receive continuous help not to tire out in
these last days.—Isa. 40:29-31.
Taking the lead but not leaders?
So if an elder is a known pedophile you must support them as God’s representative?
Do the elders activities make them worthy of respect? Respect the office even if the person is seriously flawed?
PROBABLY the point that ragged some on Sunday
how we can use our
finances to support the worldwide work
through our donations?
Anonymous donations makes it easy for many jws to never donate; but not showing up to clean/renovate the KH?
15. Why must we constantly battle to live in
harmony with Jehovah’s lofty purpose?
15 Finally, to endure and to stay in step
with Jehovah’s organization, we must
keep our personal lives consistent with
the message that we bear by “making sure
of what is acceptable to the Lord.” (Eph.
5:10, 11) Because of our imperfect flesh
and the efforts of Satan and this wicked
world, we are constantly battling negative
influences in our lives. Some of you
dear brothers and sisters have a hard fight
every day to maintain your relationship
with Jehovah. That endears you greatly to
him. Do not give up! Living our lives in
harmony with Jehovah’s purpose will give
us great satisfaction and ensure that our
worship is not futile.—1 Cor. 9:24-27.
Stay in step with a human organization or Jesus? Are we WT followers, or Christ’s?
SOME have a hard fight…
(2 Timothy 3:12) 12 In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.
16, 17. (a) What should we do if we commit a
serious sin? (b) How can we benefit from the
example of Anne?
16 What should we do, however, if we
commit a serious sin? Get help as soon as
possible. Keeping the matter hidden will
only make matters worse. Remember, David
said that when he kept silent about
his sins, ‘his bones wore out through his
groaning all day long.’ (Ps. 32:3) Yes, hiding
secret sins will just cause us to tire out
emotionally and spiritually, but “he that
is confessing and leaving them will be
shown mercy.”—Prov. 28:13.
Remember David, an adulterer and murderer who escaped the consequences of execution while many Israelites of his time were put to death? Was David the only “repentant” one and deserving of God’s forgiveness?
17 Consider the example of Anne*
When Anne was in her late teens, she
served as a regular pioneer. However,
she began to live a double life. This affected
her greatly. She states: “What was
left of my conscience felt guilty. I was
unhappy and depressed all the time.”
What did she do? She states that one
day at the meeting, James 5:14, 15 was
discussed. Anne realized that she needed
help and went to the elders for assistance.
Looking back, she says: “Those
scriptures are a prescription written by
Jehovah for spiritual healing. The medicine
is not easy to swallow, but it does
heal. I heeded the advice found in those
scriptures, and it worked.” Some years
have passed, and with renewed strength
Anne is again zealously serving Jehovah
with a good conscience.
*Name has been changed.
How many jws do you know that have their sins held against them for years? I’m not talking about pedophiles…
18. What should be our determination?
18 What a privilege it is to live in these
last days and to be part of Jehovah’s incredible
organization! Let us be determined
never to take what we have for
granted. Instead, let us work together
as a family to be regular in meeting for
worship with our local congregation, to
search diligently for honesthearted ones
in our territory, and to cherish the regular
provisions of spiritual food we receive.
Let us also support those taking
the lead and live our lives in harmony
with the message we bear. If we do so,
not only will we find ourselves in step
with Jehovah’s organization but we will
never tire out in doing what is fine!
Diligently help others to appreciate that they too
can be part of Jehovah’s vast organization.
Privilege = yes, one that can be yanked away by imperfect men for not follow laws that are not in the bible.
Incredible organization = praising oneself, how humble!
Few jws ever searched diligently, preparing a presentation, having their bible out to use, coming back promptly if “interest” is found, having a bible study although it cuts into your recreation. I figured if jws were paid money based on effort, they would be homeless people.
The only provisions that are valuable are in the bible itself.
Not to much new, just the same treadmill.
(I have a torn meniscus, so it is a few weeks of mild exercise, steroid shots, and maybe surgery. If you had had this, could you start out a thread with soon advice and not wait till the new system)
Love, Blondie, you are all so terrific, smart, strong, and funny.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-30-2013 WT Study (APRIL 15, 2013, pages 27-30)(TIRE OUT)
Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS
WT material from today's WT will be in black
w = Watchtower
g = Awake
jv = Proclaimers book
Bible translations
WT publications (old) (new)
WT child abuse
Blood issue
United Nations
Also posted on
“Let us not give up in
doing what is fine.”
—GAL. 6:9.
I see a thread on this…personally I saw nothing of real interest or difference just the same hammering.
Organization 18 times in 18 paragraphs
What provisions help us maintain
our zeal for the truth?
How does focusing on the
worship of Jehovah affect our
meeting attendance?
How can our decisions indicate
whether we will endure or tire
out in our service?
1, 2. How is our confidence heightened by contemplating Jehovah’s
universal organization?
IT IS awe-inspiring to contemplate that we are part
of a vast universal organization. The visions recorded
in Ezekiel chapter 1 and Daniel chapter 7 vividly
portray Jehovah maneuvering matters to a grand climax.
Jesus is taking the lead in directing the earthly
part of Jehovah’s organization to focus on preaching
the good news, to care spiritually for those carrying
out this work, and to promote the true worship of Jehovah.
What confidence this gives us in Jehovah’s organization!—
Matt. 24:45.
Is Jesus taking the lead…only through the GB, you must go through them to get to Jesus, an addition to having to go through Jesus.
Through Jesus—in the Bible—17 times
Through Christ—in the Bible—2 times
Through the organization—in the Bible—0 times
GB teaches that it is through these. Where is Jesus?
*** w12 8/1 p. 28 Champions of the Truth ***
Brother Jackson urged the students to be sensitive to the direction Jehovah gives through his holy spirit, the Bible, and his organization.
2 Are we personally in step with this wonderful
organization? Is our enthusiasm for the truth ever-increasing,
or is it decreasing? When considering
such questions, we may note that we have begun to
tire out or perhaps have lost some of our zeal. That
can happen. In the first century, the apostle Paul had
to exhort fellow Christians to consider the zealous
example of Jesus. Paul said that this would help them
not to “get tired and give out in [their] souls.” (Heb.
12:3) In a similar manner, careful examination of
the preceding article, which shows what is being accomplished
by Jehovah’s organization, ought to have
done much toward helping us maintain our enthusiasm
and endurance.
So how is zeal measured…by your time slip. Who measures you, the elders, the CO. This is not self-examination.
How were the early Christians able to measure their zeal without time slips?
3. What is needed in order for us not to tire out, and what
will we consider in this article?
3 Paul, however, indicated that more is needed if
we are not going to tire out. He stated that we would
need to work at “doing what is fine.” (Gal. 6:9) Thus,
action is needed on our part. Let us consider five
areas of activity that can help us to remain steadfast
and to keep pace with Jehovah’s organization. Then
we can personally decide whether there are aspects
to which we or our families need to give greater attention.
“what is fine”?
Keep pace with “Jehovah’s organization”—so did Jesus say that the sheep who were lost and hurt should get cracking and catch up?
w02 3/1 p. 16 How Precious Is the Truth to You? ***
But where does the ultimate responsibility lie if we are to persevere in our way of life based on the truth? Really, the responsibility rests with each one of us. And that is true both under normal circumstances and in difficult times. Consider the following incident.
In Scotland some young lambs were grazing in a pasture when one of them strayed to the side of a hillock and tumbled onto a ledge below. It was uninjured, but it was frightened and unable to climb back. So it started to bleat plaintively. Its mother heard it, and she too began to bleat until the shepherd came and retrieved the young lamb.
Notice the sequence of events. The lamb called for help, the ewe added her voice to its cries, and the alerted shepherd sprang into action to rescue it. If a very young animal and its mother can sense danger and immediately call for help, should we not do the same when we stumble spiritually or face unexpected dangers from Satan’s world?
Is that was Jesus said? Or did he say that the shepherd took the initiative to go looking (no bleating mentioned) and that the shepherd would be responsible for how he treated the sheep?
(Matthew 18:12-14) 12 “What do YOU think? If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? 13 And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell YOU, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed. 14 Likewise it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish.
4. Why can we say that gathering together is an
integral part of true worship?
4 Gathering together has always been
a key activity for Jehovah’s servants. In
the invisible realm, spirit creatures are
invited into Jehovah’s immediate presence
at appropriate times. (1 Ki. 22:19;
Job 1:6; 2:1; Dan. 7:10) In ancient Israel,
the nation was to gather “in order that
they may listen and in order that they
may learn.” (Deut. 31:10-12) Jews in the
first century had the custom of going to
the synagogues to read from the Scriptures.
(Luke 4:16; Acts 15:21) This emphasis
on meeting together continued
with the formation of the Christian congregation,
and it is still a major part of
our worship. True Christians “consider
one another to incite to love and fine
works.” We need to keep on “encouraging
one another, and all the more so
as [we] behold [Jehovah’s] day drawing
near.”—Heb. 10:24, 25.
What is an appropriate time?
Did the Christians meet for 5 meetings a week? Where is the bible basis for that?
Read from the scriptures—not a publication, the bible was feature first and foremost, not some human’s explanation. What happened when the Jews started putting human explanations above God’s word (Talmud)?
(Matthew 15:3-9) 3 In reply he said to them: “Why is it YOU also overstep the commandment of God because of YOUR tradition? 4 For example, God said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘Let him that reviles father or mother end up in death.’ 5 But YOU say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother: “Whatever I have by which you might get benefit from me is a gift dedicated to God,” 6 he must not honor his father at all.’ And so YOU have made the word of God invalid because of YOUR tradition. 7 YOU hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about YOU, when he said, 8 ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’”
5. How can we encourage one another at our
5 One important way in which we encourage
one another is by having a share
in our meetings. We can make a public
expression of our faith by answering a
printed question, by giving an application
of a scripture, by relating a brief experience
that illustrates the wisdom of
following Bible principles, or in other
ways. (Ps. 22:22; 40:9) Surely you will
agree that no matter how many years
we have been attending meetings, it remains
a source of encouragement to listen
to the heartfelt comments made by
our brothers and sisters—old and young.
Share—so when I attended only 3 or 4 commented, a few more at the WT study? Who had the hands up frequently? Who was the sister that saved the WT conductor? Did the elders, MS, their families, regular pioneers comment once at every meeting?
BRIEF experience…and don’t go beyond what the GB has put in the article.
Heartfelt comments—reading from the paragraph, “the Watchtower says,” “the magazine says,” the paragraph says” hardly ever “the Bible says.”
6. How do our meetings help us to stay spiritually
6 For what other reasons does our
God place such importance on our regularly
gathering together? Our meetings,
assemblies, and conventions help us to
have courage to speak with boldness
and to deal with opposition or apathy
in our territories. (Acts 4:23, 31) We are
strengthened and made firm in the faith
by the Scriptural discussions. (Acts 15:
32; Rom. 1:11, 12) The teaching and interchange
of encouragement that we receive
at our gatherings for worship help
us to experience real happiness and give
us “quietness from days of calamity.”
(Ps. 94:12, 13) The Teaching Committee
of the Governing Body oversees the
preparation of all spiritual programs for
the instruction of Jehovah’s people earth
wide. How thankful we can be for the
provisions that are made for us to enjoy
wholesome teaching at our meetings
every week of the year!
How about the fear of having the elders talk to you because the only time they do is to point out your flaws?
Or the gossipy sister who spreads everybody business all over the congregation, getting the facts wrong, or making up what she can’t ferret out.
Are the scriptures discussed or WT publications? Could jws talk about their beliefs only using the bible without the crutch of a WT publication?
7, 8. (a) What is the primary purpose of our
congregation meetings? (b) How do the meetings
help you spiritually?
7 There is something even more important,
however, than the personal benefits
we receive from our meetings. The
primary purpose of our gathering together
is to worship Jehovah. (Read
Psalm 95:6.) What a privilege we have
to praise our wonderful God! (Col. 3:
16) Jehovah deserves our regular worship
through our attendance and participation
at theocratic gatherings. (Rev. 4:11)
It is no wonder, then, that we are exhorted
‘not to forsake the gathering of
ourselves together, as some have the custom’!—
Heb. 10:25.
Primary purpose, to worship Jehovah – where does Jesus fit into this?
How many jws in your hall praised God before or after the meetings? Was it social events, gossip, etc.
Inactive mans not turning in a time slip, not about meeting attendance
Participation, how many do and put it in their own words?
8 Do we see our Christian meetings as
a provision to help us endure until Jehovah
acts against this wicked system of
things? If so, the meetings will be among
“the more important things” that we
make room for in our busy lives. (Phil.
1:10) It would have to be something extremely
significant to cause us to miss an
opportunity to be united with our brothers
in worship of Jehovah.
Christian meetings – only jws have “Christian” meetings, the non-jws are only so-called or professed Christians
And when God acts, he will have all 7.5 billion plus non-jws, men, women and children destroyed eternally…this is not a destruction of buildings, infrastructure.
The WTS tries to keep jws so busy they have no time for caring for their family. I can remember many elders families that fell apart because elder husbands never had time for a study with their children or a meaningful conversation with their wives.
Define “extremely significant.” Can only death qualify? I knew several jws that scheduled their operations around the meetings.
9. How do we know that the preaching work is
9 Having a full share in the preaching
work also helps us to keep in step
with Jehovah’s organization. Jesus set
this work in motion when he was here
on earth. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Since then,
the Kingdom-preaching and disciple making
work has been a main focus
of Jehovah’s entire organization. Many
modern-day experiences give evidence
that the angels are supporting our work
and guiding us to those “rightly disposed
for everlasting life.” (Acts 13:48; Rev. 14:
6, 7) The earthly part of Jehovah’s organization
is in place today and organized
to support this all-important work. Is the
ministry also the focus of our life?
Define “full share.” Should all jws be regular pioneers? It is possible to find an experience in the publications to fit any jw’s “circumstances.” No excuses.
Keep in step with humans or Jesus? If we are in step with Jesus won’t we be in step with the organization? Hmmm.
Angels supporting but not providing individual protection.
*** w08 9/15 p. 9 Jehovah Is “the Provider of Escape” for Us ***
What About Physical Protection?
8 As individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed. We take the position expressed by the three faithful Hebrews who refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s image of gold. Those God-fearing young men did not presume that Jehovah would miraculously protect them from physical harm. (Read Daniel 3:17, 18.) As matters turned out, Jehovah did deliver them from the flames of the fiery furnace. (Dan. 3:21-27) Even in Bible times, however, miraculous deliverance was the exception rather than the rule. Many faithful servants of Jehovah died at the hands of opposers.—Heb. 11:35-37.
10. (a) Illustrate how we might maintain our
enthusiasm for the truth. (b) How has the ministry
helped you not to tire out?
10 Being zealous in the ministry helps
us to maintain our enthusiasm for the
truth. Consider the comments of Mitchel,
a longtime elder and regular pioneer.
He states: “I love telling people about
the truth. I think about a new article in
The Watchtower or Awake! and just marvel
at the wisdom, insight, and perfect
balance in each issue. I want to get out
in the ministry to see how people will
react, how I can spark their interest.
Zealous = regular pioneering?
Enthusiasm = not viewing non-jws as dead already
Why not pick out a scripture? Jesus said the sheep would hear his voice…in the scriptures, not some rechewed human version.
1. The Governing Body
2. Branch Committees
3. Traveling overseers
4. Bodies of elders
5. Congregations
6. Individual publishers
PICTURE: No Jesus in this illustration; shows how Jesus is not in the WTS picture in general.
My ministry keeps me stable. I force
everything else to take place either before
or after the time slot set aside for
the ministry.” Likewise, our staying busy
in our sacred service can help us to continue
steadfast in these last days.—Read
1 Corinthians 15:58.
11. Why should we make full use of the spiritual
food we receive from Jehovah?
11 Jehovah has provided a bounteous
supply of written spiritual food to give
us strength. No doubt, you can think of
a time when after reading a publication,
you thought: ‘That is exactly what I needed!
It is as if Jehovah had that written
just for me!’ That is not a coincidence.
Through these provisions, Jehovah does
instruct and guide us. He has said: “I
shall make you have insight and instruct
you in the way you should go.” (Ps. 32:8)
Do we strive to take in all the spiritual
food we receive and meditate on it? Doing
so will help us to continue to bear
fruit and not wither spiritually in these
difficult last days.—Read Psalm 1:1-3; 35:
28; 119:97.
God provided the bible; why did he need to provide uninspired human words to explain? How many words in the publications are from the Bible and how many from imperfect humans in the WTS?
Does God write the WT publications? Does the WTS say that.
*** w96 4/15 p. 19 Why True Worship Receives God’s Blessing ***
Bible translations themselves are not inspired by God. Translations, by their very nature, may reflect variations of the understanding of the original tongues in which the Bible was recorded.
12. What can help us not to take our spiritual
provisions for granted?
12 It is good for us to consider the
work that is involved in making sure
that we receive this regular flow of
healthy spiritual provisions. The Writing
Committee of the Governing Body oversees
the process of researching, writing,
proofreading, illustrating, and translating
our printed publications as well as
material posted on our Web site. Printing
branches ship literature to congregations
near and far. Why is all this work
done? So that Jehovah’s people are well-fed
spiritually. (Isa. 65:13)May we be diligent
in partaking of all the spiritual food
we receive through Jehovah’s organization.—
Ps. 119:27.
Is the Writing Committee of the GB inspired?
Spiritual food – only the bible qualifies, and not even that is inspired?
13, 14. Who are supporting Jehovah’s arrangements
in the heavens, and how can we show
similar support on earth?
13 In the vision given to the apostle
John, Jesus is seen riding on a white
horse to conquer those rebelling against
Jehovah. (Rev. 19:11-15) How faith strengthening
it is to know that right behind
Jesus are the faithful angels and
with him are the anointed conquerors
from the earth, who have already received
their heavenly reward! (Rev. 2:26,
27)What a superlative example that is of
supporting Jehovah’s arrangements!
Did you know that the WTS teaches that the anointed who died before 1918 and were resurrected and those that have died since, will be joining Jesus and the angels in the destruction of 7.5 plus billion non-jws, men, women and children, eternal death?
Supporting God’s arrangements = only supporting the WTS
14 In like manner, the great crowd fully
supports the work of Christ’s anointed
brothers who are still on earth and
who are taking the lead in the organization
today.(Read Zechariah 8:23.) How
can we show our individual support for
Jehovah’s arrangements? One way is by
being in subjection to those taking the
lead. (Heb. 13:7, 17) This starts right
in our own congregation. Do our comments
about the elders build respect for
them and their office of oversight? Do we
encourage our children to respect these
faithful men and to look to them for
Scriptural advice? Additionally, do we
discuss as a family how we can use our
finances to support the worldwide work
through our donations? (Prov. 3:9; 1 Cor.
16:2; 2 Cor. 8:12) Do we view as important
the privilege of sharing in the upkeep
of the Kingdom Hall? Jehovah’s
spirit flows freely where there is such respect
and unity. Through that spirit, we
receive continuous help not to tire out in
these last days.—Isa. 40:29-31.
Taking the lead but not leaders?
So if an elder is a known pedophile you must support them as God’s representative?
Do the elders activities make them worthy of respect? Respect the office even if the person is seriously flawed?
PROBABLY the point that ragged some on Sunday
how we can use our
finances to support the worldwide work
through our donations?
Anonymous donations makes it easy for many jws to never donate; but not showing up to clean/renovate the KH?
15. Why must we constantly battle to live in
harmony with Jehovah’s lofty purpose?
15 Finally, to endure and to stay in step
with Jehovah’s organization, we must
keep our personal lives consistent with
the message that we bear by “making sure
of what is acceptable to the Lord.” (Eph.
5:10, 11) Because of our imperfect flesh
and the efforts of Satan and this wicked
world, we are constantly battling negative
influences in our lives. Some of you
dear brothers and sisters have a hard fight
every day to maintain your relationship
with Jehovah. That endears you greatly to
him. Do not give up! Living our lives in
harmony with Jehovah’s purpose will give
us great satisfaction and ensure that our
worship is not futile.—1 Cor. 9:24-27.
Stay in step with a human organization or Jesus? Are we WT followers, or Christ’s?
SOME have a hard fight…
(2 Timothy 3:12) 12 In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.
16, 17. (a) What should we do if we commit a
serious sin? (b) How can we benefit from the
example of Anne?
16 What should we do, however, if we
commit a serious sin? Get help as soon as
possible. Keeping the matter hidden will
only make matters worse. Remember, David
said that when he kept silent about
his sins, ‘his bones wore out through his
groaning all day long.’ (Ps. 32:3) Yes, hiding
secret sins will just cause us to tire out
emotionally and spiritually, but “he that
is confessing and leaving them will be
shown mercy.”—Prov. 28:13.
Remember David, an adulterer and murderer who escaped the consequences of execution while many Israelites of his time were put to death? Was David the only “repentant” one and deserving of God’s forgiveness?
17 Consider the example of Anne*
When Anne was in her late teens, she
served as a regular pioneer. However,
she began to live a double life. This affected
her greatly. She states: “What was
left of my conscience felt guilty. I was
unhappy and depressed all the time.”
What did she do? She states that one
day at the meeting, James 5:14, 15 was
discussed. Anne realized that she needed
help and went to the elders for assistance.
Looking back, she says: “Those
scriptures are a prescription written by
Jehovah for spiritual healing. The medicine
is not easy to swallow, but it does
heal. I heeded the advice found in those
scriptures, and it worked.” Some years
have passed, and with renewed strength
Anne is again zealously serving Jehovah
with a good conscience.
*Name has been changed.
How many jws do you know that have their sins held against them for years? I’m not talking about pedophiles…
18. What should be our determination?
18 What a privilege it is to live in these
last days and to be part of Jehovah’s incredible
organization! Let us be determined
never to take what we have for
granted. Instead, let us work together
as a family to be regular in meeting for
worship with our local congregation, to
search diligently for honesthearted ones
in our territory, and to cherish the regular
provisions of spiritual food we receive.
Let us also support those taking
the lead and live our lives in harmony
with the message we bear. If we do so,
not only will we find ourselves in step
with Jehovah’s organization but we will
never tire out in doing what is fine!
Diligently help others to appreciate that they too
can be part of Jehovah’s vast organization.
Privilege = yes, one that can be yanked away by imperfect men for not follow laws that are not in the bible.
Incredible organization = praising oneself, how humble!
Few jws ever searched diligently, preparing a presentation, having their bible out to use, coming back promptly if “interest” is found, having a bible study although it cuts into your recreation. I figured if jws were paid money based on effort, they would be homeless people.
The only provisions that are valuable are in the bible itself.
Not to much new, just the same treadmill.
(I have a torn meniscus, so it is a few weeks of mild exercise, steroid shots, and maybe surgery. If you had had this, could you start out a thread with soon advice and not wait till the new system)
Love, Blondie, you are all so terrific, smart, strong, and funny.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Hi Blondie, You did a fabulous job as usual. Thank you so much.
Hope your knee gets better real soon. I am so sorry you are in pain.
Just Lois
Amelia Ashton
Thanks Blondie.
I am re-kindling a friendship with a very much asleep disfellowshipped sister so although I have always enjoyed and appreciated your hard work it was mainly for my own benefit.
Now I will be paying much more attention for anything I can use to help her.
Amelia xxx
Sorry you are sore! Thank you for the WT study notes. I always look forward to them.
gorgia x
Thanks for this Blondie. I hope you are feeling better.
Indoctrination and brainwashing (mind cleansing(TM)) explained.............
5 One important way in which we encourage
one another is by having a share
in our meetings. We can make a public
expression of our faith by answering a
printed question, by giving an application
of a scripture, by relating a brief experience
that illustrates the wisdom of
following Bible principles, or in other
Boasting sessions a way to spirituality? Staying spiritually active? Funny thing, they never mention doing things that REALLY improve one's spirituality in a positive way. Do anything that gets you genuinely spiritually active, you are getting an all-expense paid trip to the Back Room.
Watchtower said: Our meetings,
assemblies, and conventions help us to
have courage to speak with boldness
I spoke with boldness about the blood issue (fractions) and was removed as an elder.
The boldness the bORG talks about is speaking what they want you to speak from the bORG literature.