Idrnomo - Interesting that the WBT$ wants the R&F to speak with 'boldness(TM)' but I've never seen the GB doing the same in the muslim world.
Blondie's CommentsYou Will Not Hear at the 06-30-2013
by blondie 20 Replies latest jw friends
Room 215
Thanks Blondie, get well quickly. So the GB self-describes itself modestly as "wonderful" (paragraph 2) and "incredible" (paragraph 18); paragraph 6 informs us that this assemblage of spiritual titans " oversees" -- not actually participates -- "in the researching, writing, etc." I also counted 27 exclamation points, about the same number that regularly appear in a typical Superman or Batman comic!! did I miss any? (my two don't count)
LoisLane looking for Superman
Room 215...Good catch.
Just Lois
JW GoneBad
The theme ‘Do Not Tire Out’ is quite telling. The second sentence in paragraph 2 states: ‘Is our enthusiasm for the truth ever-increasing or is it decreasing?’
WT should know the answer to this question. After all they have the numbers, for example, of how many JWs are attending the weekly meetings. The numbers of those attending the Theocratic Ministry School (mid-week meeting) and the Watchtower Study in the 110,000+ congregations world-wide are sent back to WT headquarters on a monthly basis. My guess is that the meeting attendance of the average JW congregation is not good!
For the past several years the CO’s gripe with our congregation has been the we have low meeting attendance. He states that we have close to a 30% absenteeism at each meeting. The last CO to visit us further stated that its’ not always the same 30% that do not attend meeting. The publishers, apparently, are alternating when missing meetings, indicating that a very high percentage of the publishers skip meetings. Come to find out that the entire circuit is struggling with a 32% absenteeism average!
It makes sense to me that the Governing Body would put out a WT study article entitled ‘Do Not Tire Out’, cuz enthusiasm for meeting attendance must really be hurting!
thank you blondie,
On your comment on Paragraph 13:
"did you know that the resurrected Anointed ones will join Christ in destroying 7.5 Billion----. I could add:
Did you know that the July 15 Wt illustration pages 11, adds this FRESH light?? quote:
"Shortly BEFORE Armageddon, the remaining faithful anointed ones [the Governing Body], will be gathered to the heavens" so,
since they are then with Jesus PRIOR to Armageddon, they UNDOUBTEDLY * will join the battlelines of the immortal ones and slaughter.
although the weasel words in paragraph 7 page 14 put the WEDDING to "--- AFTER the battle of A--",
all the 144 001 do battle. make war first then [heavenly] love.
Not only is the GB responsable for the tiring useless JW life, of 7.5 million and the effects of their teachings now, they will be tirelessly participate in the slaughter of 7.5 Billion mostly innocents.
They must be really proud of themselves,
not tiring out.
Can not execute apostates and other disfellowshipped ones now, but wait unti Armageddon,
the GB will be there with a vengence.
just that you know I have 2 huge scars on my right knee. very painfull. bear up.
JW GoneBad
....and then there is this sentence in par 8: 'It would have to be something etremely significant to cause us to miss an opportunity to be united with our brothers in worship of Jehovah.'
Not really! The very high volume of JWs who skip meetings do so because they find meetings very repetitive, uninteresting, boring and self-adulating!
Blondie, just so you know.....I'm thinking of you, I can relate!
Hi, Blondie. I thought I was very poignant how the picture of the JW chain of command goes through all of those layers but leaves out Jesus, the Chief Mediator. Good catch.
Calebs Airplane
10. (a) Illustrate how we might maintain our
enthusiasm for the truth. (b) How has the ministry
helped you not to tire out?
That's like asking:
(b) How has eating junk food helped you not to get fat?
There is something pointed out here that I have noticed myself. Most people NEED consistancy and routine. To those who crave it but can't create it for themselves, they welcome the forced consistancy of the WT routine. If they didn't have that routine they would feel lost. The routine part, not as much the faith part. They believe they are one in the same, connected. Since many JW must have their own business to enable them to take off the time they are required to take, this causes those who have trouble creating routine a problem. The JW attendance participation requirements and sameness satisfy that need.
I am hoping to help create more of a routine in my household partly to help satify my husbands craving for routine. It is good for all of us to have some routine in our lives. For many years in our famly's life there has been little no almost no routine, which causes a chaotic feeling. I believe that has something to do with his need on the past few years to study with the JW.
Hey everyone, I have a great idea! All of us should send a copy of that infamous picture on page 29 in the April 15, 2013 study edition of the Watchtower under the heading “THE EARTHLY PART OF JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION INCLUDES:” by email and printed copy by mail to as many church and media offices as we can.
We should include a very simple cover letter saying that we feel compelled to show them something they have a right see – something which is distasteful and offensive to any follower of Jesus Christ and which reveals the arrogant and power-hungry nature of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, who promote great disrespect to our Lord and Savior by attempting to take his rightful place as the Mediator and Messiah of all humanity.
The recipients of this should include local and national radio, television, and newspaper, as well as some major churches. That ridiculous picture is most appropriate to show to people, as they have a right to be aware of just how condescending the Watchtower is to Jesus.
It would be great if some churches would provide copies of that picture to their parishioners so they can be forewarned and armed with it, to be prepared ahead of time for the next time Jehovah’s Witnesses call on their doors. Maybe then the householder will have time to think of something to reply to them – and give them a good piece of their mind!
Imagine if when they call, the householder just pulls out a copy of that picture and holds it right in front of the Witness’ face for a few brief seconds, and then slams the door. Wouldn’t that be sweet!