desperate or stupid - you decide

by finally awake 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    just ron has received a couple of phone calls in the last few days from the RBC brother wanting him to come roof a kingdom hall. now, just ron hasn't been to a meeting since december 2011, and certainly hasn't got a current volunteer form on file. so i ask, are they desperate or just stupid?

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead



  • sspo

    Cheap Free labor and it doesn't matter where it comes from.

  • Giordano

    He should tell them he's no longer spiritually strong enough to qualify for that assignment.

  • sir82

    JWs can be amazingly stingy, vindicative, and even cruel, if you are considered "spiritually weak"....until they need your free labor for some project, anyway.

    Then, suddenly - presto - change-o! -- you are "qualified" to be given the "privilege" of "volunteering".

    If you are "reproved" for some "serious sin", the list of restrictions can get pretty long - no commenting, no public prayers, no ministry xchool, no service meeting demos, no auxiliary pioneering, etc.

    But, curiously , no one is ever restricted from the "privileges" of cleaning the bathrooms or cutting the grass.

  • punkofnice

    Typical WBT$ mentality


  • hoser

    they want to suck you back in!

    it is called escalation of committment

    they will treat you very good at the hall build. treat you like one of the guys.

    next they will invite you to a sunday meeting, it will be hard to say no to a bunch of nice people like them

    in for a penny, in for a pound

  • Bella15

    I agree with GIORDANO ... lol

  • infernosdante

    we reroofed our hall once the fellow that was basicly in charge was a habitual drunkard and abusive husband and he smoked and visited prostitutes,he wasnt baptized,but he was a contractor and it was free labor. enough said?

  • ldrnomo

    They are users, if you have something they want they use it.

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