ignoring them is what we do best LOL. we both let any unknown number roll to voicemail rather than answering. Especially calls from outside our home area, because there is virtually no chance that it's anyone we want to talk to.
desperate or stupid - you decide
by finally awake 26 Replies latest jw friends
Captain Obvious
Your info stays on file with the RBC for a long time, regardless of whether you move or become inactive. They don't have time to wait to hear back from every BOE about every applicant they have on file. They may check up on you when you first apply, then after that count on the fact you would NEVER leave Jehovah's valley of protection!
Mrs. Obvious and I still get the occasional RBC invite, despite having moved over 1000 miles away and me becoming inactive.
They think they can get free labor and count the time they spend with you on their monthly report.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Thank you Finally Awake, Your opening post and all the comments sure made for a fun read.
It is hot, summertime, and all the other Roofers in good standing are busy, so what to do? Let's call good guy Ronnie! I like the comment about him saying yes he can do it, and then say, I charge $100.00 per hour. lol
DoNotCall, So he calls you and wants someone to come give a talk. And you have been out for how many years? lol
Finally awake and Just Ron, I hope you and your boys have a great summer.
Just Lois
You must be approved by your local body of elders to the RBC to work on RBC projects. As soon as I stepped down a letter was sent to our RBC so that I was taken off the RBC mailing list.
I smell a setup or the brother asking is not in the know.
finally awake
I suspect the RBC is just as disorganized and bad at paperwork now as they were 10 years ago when Just ROn first volunteered to help on the builds. Or it could be a set up, I wouldn't put it past them
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
They're stupid.