A new lesson from Caleb's mom...

by cedars 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mum

    This scenario reminds me of poor Andrea Yates. She had four children for whom she cooked, cleaned did laundry and home schooled. She also had a "Christian" husband to please. She was so afraid that her children would fall into "sin" that she killed them in order to "save" them. Poor kids! Poor Andrea! She has to live with this horrendous act for the rest of her life.

    At least Andrea's kids probably got birthday presents and parties, but the poor JW kids don't even get that.

    Heartbreaking. Caleb is going to need major therapy.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    And this drivel is supposedly increasing the Bible knowledge and spirituality of JW children?

    It seems fairly obvious, but Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Orthodox Jews and even atheists also teach their children good manners by saying "please" and "thank you".

    Jehovah (and the obligatory fear of said god) is not required.

    But, we all know the REAL motive behind these videos: JW children are being conditioned to beg the WT Society, the Elders, etc. for favors; and, if inadequate amounts of subservience are shown to WT/Elders in adult life, the person will suffer punishment/witholding of kindness.

  • BU2B

    And as a side point, they will never include meat when showing a picture of JWs eating, this included. All the sandwich had was cheese, bread, lettuce, and tomato! Also it was thrown down in front of him like a dog after he begged for it like a dog. I wonder how much of this is planned. Plus the mom seems on the edge of a psycopathic breakdown.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Judging by the state of the bread if I was Caleb I would put it in the bin along with Sparlock.

  • nugget

    Whilst it is important to teach children good manners this video is another over the top lesson. Caleb's mother who is known for her over reaction to everything, behaves in a suitably meladramatic way to Caleb's lapse. Caleb then not only says please but puts his hands together in supplication and begs for a sandwich. His mother then says she will make the best sandwich and then presents him with a healthy pile of bread and salad that most children would reject out of hand.

    Totally disfunctional family here people and certainly not suitable to set an example of appropriate behaviour for anyone.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I think the Borg should start sending out DVDs aimed at mothers on how to react to their children correctly and start by explaining how to put eye balls back in their sockets first.

    If I was Calebs Mom I would ask him first quietly if he was getting hungry after he requested food then I would sit him down make him a sandwich then explain the please and thank you bit without throwing a wobbler. The kids hungry for goodness sake have a bit of compassion woman and while you are at it give yourself some nosh you look like you could do with a bowl of cornflakes.

    Has she got the Resting Bitchy Face that some ladies get which was highlighted a few days ago?

    Jehovah says please ? Hello! who has ever heard him say it evidence if you don't mind. Jehovah says, PLEASE do as instructed by the boys in Brooklyn or my eyballs will stick out but not as much as yours when I turn you into hotdogs at the big A.

  • cedars

    An interesting quote from the Family Happiness book (it's aimed at dealing with teenagers, but I feel it's applicable)...

    How should parents react when a teenager errs and gets into trouble? Then, especially, the youngster needs help. If the parents remember that they are dealing with an inexperienced youth, they will more easily resist the tendency to overreact. Paul counseled mature ones in the congregation: “Even though a man takes some false step before he is aware of it, you who have spiritual qualifications try to readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness.” (Galatians 6:1) Parents can follow this same procedure when dealing with a young person who commits an error because of being thoughtless. While clearly explaining why his conduct was wrong and how he can avoid repeating the error, the parents should make it clear that it is the wrong conduct, not the youth, that is bad.—Compare Jude 22, 23.

    fy chap. 7 p. 85 par. 20


  • Gojira_101

    What I would like to see, but I know it will never happen is the sandwich start talking to Caleb telling him to "take care" of his parents...if you know what I mean....The devil told me to kill my parents through the sandwich! Or better yet his friend Sparlock still talking to him through the sandwich....

    And really what kid talks like that? My parents taught me manners, but I never asked like that! And what's with the hands clasping together begging like that. Oh Caleb, such a sweet boy...oh wait who else said that....um....oh right, Norman, such a good boy...the movie Psycho.

    Serial killer in the making folks! Mark my words, he's going to do it!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Cedars, that's a great quote, but unfortunately is "old light".

    JW kids are no longer allowed to be kids in WT Land.

    They are now called "organizational worker units".

    Conveniently, they're also disposable.

    At least WT was able to resurrect Ricardo Montalban to do the narration.ADCMS

    Eeffan Jehofa saz Pleeze!.. I need more Drugs!..

    Please help Mom..
    Escape the Watchtower!..

    ................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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