I reckon they believe it. I know I once did.
Are the GB Mental
by moley 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This blogger's article helped me to understand some things when applied to the WBT$.
I recall Ray Franz writing something like ' we are victims of victims'.....There are 7 million who believe that they are Gods appointed channel, these men have been holed up in cloisters of Bethel largely for decades.
Their institutionalized thinking must be set by now. That is all they see hear and think....except for an exception like Ray of course - but it takes a big man to do that
cuckoo in the nest
There are two possible scenarios:
1. They are "true believers" and actually do believe every word of the crap they come out with. This makes them fanatics, and dangerous.
2. They are nothing more than a bunch of corporate middle-managers, promoted beyond their abilities. They never thought they'd still be in "this system" and certainly never expected to finish up running the show. Now they have NO CLUE how to get out of the mess they find themselves in, have no new ideas that make an iota of sense and have no other option than try to maintain the status quo. For them, the alternative is too horrific to face. Any admission that they're wrong about anything, any erosion to their self proclaimed authority as god's mouthpiece, and their power base crumbles. If that happens, the whole decaying edifice that is the org comes down around their ears, and they have to face the consequences for all the lives they've damaged.
This makes them scared, and dangerous.
I think they believe it.
I think they are deep believers, and their seemingly
erratic maneuvering on doctrine is to
come up with a scheme, a combination, a solution that will keep it spiritually going until it succeeds.
They desperately want to open the way for the
WATCHTOWER GOD aka jehovah to be the one that is true and answers them.
In that process they spread the spiritual FODDER out for the sheep.
They are like hackers, phsiching of the heavens, in the hope to come up with a winner.
To observers it is deviant behaviour, but they are deep into it.
and we are funding their feelers.
not fun.
not funny.
Does Coca-Cola believe their product is good for people? Does McDonalds think their food is good for people? Do employees and high level management of these companies consume their product?
prologos - "I think they are deep believers, and their seemingly erratic maneuvering on doctrine is to come up with a scheme, a combination, a solution that will keep it spiritually going until it succeeds. They desperately want to open the way for the WATCHTOWER GOD aka jehovah to be the one that is true and answers them."
This explanation makes sense to me.
When you're that desperate, everything becomes justifiable; extremist rhetoric, authoritarian policies, academic dishonesty, you name it.
frankiespeakin - "They can't allow doubt to take root, so they smother it with heavy doses of Black and White Thinking and gargantuan Leaps in Logic to sustain the delusion in order to keep cognitive dissonance to a minimum."
Definately this, too.
cuckoo in the nest - "They are nothing more than a bunch of corporate middle-managers, promoted beyond their abilities. They never thought they'd still be in "this system" and certainly never expected to finish up running the show. Now they have NO CLUE how to get out of the mess they find themselves in, have no new ideas that make an iota of sense and have no other option than try to maintain the status quo. For them, the alternative is too horrific to face. Any admission that they're wrong about anything, any erosion to their self proclaimed authority as god's mouthpiece, and their power base crumbles. If that happens, the whole decaying edifice that is the org comes down around their ears, and they have to face the consequences for all the lives they've damaged."
For some time now, I've suspected that the R&F's insistance that "Armageddon must be right around the corner" (with an increasingly palpable tone of desperation to it) stems at least partly from a deep subconscious fear that if this "System" keeps stubbornly continuing, the WTS won't survive much longer.
If that is the case, they are, IMO, fully justified in having that fear.
I've said this before, but organisms that cannot or will not adapt and evolve to a changing environment are doomed to extinction.
The WTS - as a social organism - was extremely well-adapted to its environment (especially during the Cold War), but I'm having a hard time imagining how a semi-secretive apocalyptic millennialist authoritarian high-control group can evolve to survive in the rapidly changing, information-saturated, Wikileaks-level-transparency-craving environment of the 21st Century.
Progressive reform's all but impossible at this point; they've painted themselves too tightly into an ideological corner (and even if they somehow found their way out, they'd arguably no longer be Jehovah's Witnesses anymore), so all that's left is increasingly extremist rhetoric, further withdrawal and marginilization from society, and culling the herd of all but the most hardcore R&F followers.
It's gonna get ugly.