Are the GB Mental

by moley 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin


    It's gonna get ugly.

    That'swhat I'mthinkin

  • Vidiot
    Glander - "... Jay Edgar Hovah..."

    I can't believe I never thought of that one.

  • brainmelt

    I honestly don't know. I guess its better if they do truely believe it, then at least they are sincere in their stupidity but if they don't believe it and its all some sort of elaborate hoax then they amongst the worst of all the scumbags to walk this earth.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Moley, yes, the governing body of Jehovah's witnesses ARE mental:

    UN senti MENTAL


    EXCREMENTAL ( f.o.s.)


    And furthermore, I think THEY are MENTALLY DISEASED.

  • EdenOne

    I believe they are sincere.

    However, sincerity isn't enough a redeeming quality when they're sincere about a myth. The myth that there's such thing as one God's visible organization on earth. And that they've been chosen to lead it. Sure, they love the adulation and power trip.

    They're aware of the cracks in their cosmos; yet the alternative to their belief system is the complete dismantelling of their authoritarian system, and therefore they simply cannot afford that. This is where they're inexcusable. If they were truly humble men, they ought to consider the possibility that they aren't the chosen ones, nor Jehovah's Witnesses are special among other Christians. But they simply don't, because they've created an idol- the organization - and now they must keep on worshipping that idol. Like the israelites near Sinai, they made a golden calf and call it "their God that took them out of Egypt Babylon The Great", i.e. the image of the living God Yahweh. Only that image is a de facto replacement of God.

    Picking what Prologos said, they are like the pathetic prophets of Baal: "Oh Baal, answer us!"...but there's no viable answer. So they do and say all kinds of absurdities hoping that eventually they get the right charm to get their confirmation / vindication, that is, Armageddon. In the meantime, they play "follow the leader" with 8 million people.

    They are sincere. But they are deluded. And there's no greater danger than a sincerely deluded person, x 8.


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Sure they are.

    They sincerely want to keep the cash flowing in the donation boxes.

    They sincerely want to continue living a labor-free lifestyle.

    They sincerely like green handshakes and trips all over the world.

    They sincerely enjoy their prestige and the adoration of close to 8 million followers.

    Yeah, I would be sincere about that too.

  • punkofnice

    My views are pretty radical but...

    I believe they know what they're doing by now. This I feel is evidenced in the way the talks and publications feature known propaganda methods. It they knew they had truth they would just simply state it.

    I also suspect that there is a/more than one paedophile on the GB hence their soft stance on those perverts.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Punky, I agree. They HAVE to know by now. Sure, maybe GB newbie Sanderson doesn't , but the rest DO.

    And the writers are NOT GB members and surely THEY how would it stand to reason that the GB would not know.

  • punkofnice

    Rip - The GB claim to check everything the writers spew forth....or so I'm lead to believe....

    They know!

    It'd be hilarious to listen to the 7 paedo lovers having their first meet with Sontaran Anderson.

    Paedo Lover: Now we have the greatest secret of all to reveal to you.

    Sontaran: Praise Jehovah(TM). what is it?

    Paedo lover: It's all bollox......we'ere only in it for the retirement plan. There is no god or Jesus!

  • Oculos Aperire
    Oculos Aperire

    In my 30+ years in I never really believed in any GB.. None of it ever made any sense to me, I just went along with what I thought and believed was coming from the Bible. As soon as my research showed this not to be true it was a very easy matter to just step away from it all entirely.

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