Why does god kill children?

by Comatose 269 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Simon

    XPeterX - please moderate your language

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    xPeterx: Genesis 8:21."And Jehovah smelled the sweet savor; and Jehovah said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake, for that the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more everything living, as I have done.


    But, god is the one who created humans in His image!

    Is this supposed to a defense? If anything, it's further proof of god's ineptitude and murderous intent.

    How the creation can be blamed for the way it was created is beyond me, especially when the Creator bragged it was "good" when he finished.


    So the one and two year old babies had evil hearts?

    Remember, this includes animals and plants as well (The Flood; Israel's conquest of "pagan" cities)

  • punkofnice

    XPeterX -

    So,God doesn't care about how old someone is but IN WHAT CONDITION HIS HEART IS BECAUSE HE CAN READ IT.

    If you want to worship a forever-tolerant God then go find someone else.Peace

    You are joking, right?

    If you're not joking then your god is a real looney.

  • tec

    How can you explain jesus doesnt exist in the OT ?
    Not a single mention of him by name, title or position ? Why the big secret ? Why didnt god say once in the 1000 pages i have a son ? I ve never heard of a autobiography that spans a 1000 pages and the father never mentioning they had a son especially when they are not estranged.

    Of course He is made mention of in the OT. The Life (the Tree of Life). The other part of the 'US' God referred to when He said let US make man in OUR image. Moses prophecied about Him as did others. The Jewish community knew there was a Messiah coming... they did not know who He would be, but they knew that He existed.

    You just misrepresented the allegory as having something there and then admitted it wasn't there and claimed the fault is on other people for not seeing what's not there.

    Talking about two entirely different passsages there, EP.

    YOu forgot the part where he abandons haggar and ishamel in the desert with next to nothing. Thats another case of double murder.

    Funny... because in order to have a murder, Hagar and Ishmael would have had to have been killed. But both lived, and in fact God was WITH Ishmael as he grew in the desert. He also kept his promise to Abraham and Hagar, that Ishmael would grow into a GREAT nation, and Ishmael DID... and still IS today.

    You guys are funny sometimes. Abraham's faith proved TRUE. God kept his promise regarding Isaac. God kept his promise regarding Ishmael.

    The book you dismiss at every turn as hopelessly flawed?

    I have not dismissed it as hopelessly flawed. (an example of misrepresenting my words, in case you aren't grasping what I mean)

    I have simply said that it is not inerrant. That if one wants to know the Truth, look at the TRUTH. HE is the perfect representation of His Father.

    The bible acts as a witness to Christ... pointing to Him... but it is not Him. So it is imperfect. Yet, you all think it is ridiculous to look at the ONE the Father DID send, to know God: Christ.

    You prefer to argue over the imperfect tool... rather than look at the simple truth of Christ.

    Finally, if god's message to mankind, especially regarding Jesus, is as clear as you claim it is, why after 4,000 years are humans still trying to figure it all out? Sure, humans are not perfect. But is this not ultimately a massive failure on god's part? He allegedly gives humans a message leading to Christ, then has botched that message so badly that humans can't make sense of it? (even if a person believes god exists, it appears he is quite inept).

    Because men don't want the simple Truth. They want complicated; they want other men to lead them; they want kings over them, etc.

    Just consider most of us, once out of the wts... looking at the bible (at least those who still believed) wondering how we did not see certain verses, like... no one knows the day or hour; and all the others that contradict witness teaching.

    Becasue we were not looking at Christ. They told us to look at them, and so we listened to them instead, trusting them to know what was right. But not looking at the one God told us to look at and listen to.

    Same with any other group or people who are looking at someone or something other than Christ, to know God.

    But, god is the one who created humans in His image!

    God created Adam in his image. WE are in Adam's image, coming after Adam, into these bodies that Adam was given AFTER he sinnned and knew death. But even though Adam sold all of his offspring into death... God provided the means for us to come back to HIM. (there is that God provides thing again... Abraham even named that mountain The LORD will provide)



  • cofty

    Tammy can you confirm that you reject the words of Hebrews 11 as misrepresenting the truth about Abraham?

    By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death. - Hebrews 11:17-19

  • EntirelyPossible

    Of course He is made mention of in the OT. The Life (the Tree of Life).

    Made up. That doesn't mention Jesus, allude to him or mention his properties.

    Talking about two entirely different passsages there, EP.

    We were both talking about Abraham.

    Because men don't want the simple Truth. They want complicated; they want other men to lead them; they want kings over them, etc.

    simple: bible is not inspired.

    complicated: page after page explaining why a voice in your can tell you what's true, what's not, what's right, what's in error, etc etc etc etc.

    WE are in Adam's image, coming after Adam, into these bodies that Adam was given AFTER he sinnned and knew death.

    Sin is a genetic disoder that is inheritable? Do tell more.... can your Jesus explain exactly how sin is inherited?

  • tec

    I don't reject them Cofty. Abraham was prepared to do that, but spoke in faith. Regarding walking back with Isaac... and that God would provide the sacrifice.

    Do you reject the words that Abraham spoke?

    And once again... the point... is that God provided, and provides. He does not want us to sacrifice our children to Him... HE sacrificed FOR US. That account should show us that, once and for all... and especially if one knows Christ.



  • EntirelyPossible

    Abraham was prepared to do that, but spoke in faith. Regarding walking back with Isaac... and that God would provide the sacrifice.

    That's not at ALL what the scriptures say. They say that Abraham had faith God would resurrect Issac after he was killed, not that God would provide a sacrifice.

    Seriously. Can you, for a moment, stop making up things the scriptures don't say and simply address what is written?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    Funny... because in order to have a murder, Hagar and Ishmael would have had to have been killed.


    In Tammy's world, there is no such thing as "attempted murder" when it involves Biblical characters she likes. If you intend to kill someone and fail, I guess it's "no harm, no foul". Even secular law has a higher moral standard than that. Funny how human morality almost alwayds is superior to god's.

    Despite Abraham holding a knife above the bound Isaac, and the angel restraining Abraham at the last moment from plunging it into his chest, it doesn't count because Isaac wasn't murdered.

    When Abraham sent Ishmael and Hagar into the desert to die, because god allegedly saved them, it doesn't count as attempted murder.


    Moses prophecied about Him as did others.

    Oh, so now we're back again to believing what Moses said? Cherry-pick, cherry-pick, cherry-pick.

    Incidentally, if Jesus is "The Tree of Life" I'm dying to know what the fruit was that Eve ate. I'm not being sarcastic. Moses' account says it was a literal tree, you're saying it was a person. Or, are you privy to what Moses was really thinking as well?

  • tec

    Great example of reading something that is opposite to what is there, Shirley. I don't meant that as a rebuke... but just to point out what i mean when i say that you are misrepresenting what is written.

    Abraham did not sent them into the desert to die. HE was PROMISED that GOD would make a great nation out of Ishmael.

    Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. To help you understand what fruit means: The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, patience, peace, forebearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. So the fruit of that tree... was good (life is in good), and evil (death is in evil)

    The fruit of the Tree of life is... life.



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