He kills children because he needs more little angels up in heaven to help him....
Why does god kill children?
by Comatose 269 Replies latest watchtower bible
Captain Obvious
Oh but he can resurrect them! No harm done lol
Good question!
Creationist Ray Comfort likes to point out how the banana is the PERFECT SHAPE for eating, with a long cylindrical shape that facilitates putting it into one's mouth. Ray points to the banana as PROOF of an "Intelligent Designer".
Of course, Ray forgets that the banana's "perfect" shape is also the #1 cause of infant mortality due to choking/asphyxiation on fruit (hot dogs are #1 for non-fruit foods). Hence the banana is ABSOLUTE PROOF that God HATES babies!
Creationist Ray Comfort likes to point out how the banana is the PERFECT SHAPE for eating, with a long cylindrical shape that facilitates putting it into one's mouth. Ray points to the banana as PROOF of an "Intelligent Designer".
Ray, in his infinite ignorance, doesn't realize that the shape of the banana we buy in the grocery store is the product of human engineering. A wild banana looks nothing like the ones we eat.
If humans are the product of a Creator, then it is incredibly poor design to have our breathing and swallowing apparatus share the same passageway, which leads to choking/asphyxiation.
Forgot where the scripture is at in the OT but God told the Jews once they got to a city to destroy everything but keep the virgins for a month. If they liked them they had a choice to keep them, if they didn't they could send them back. Of course where would they go to since the city was destroyed and most likely family members. Definitely a wise and loving God!! Or could it be a book written by men for their own pleasure a benefit?????
Because he if the imagination of the bronze age thinking. Were killing someone was very normal. Were children and women was worth less that cattle. Were being a burtal person was the norm. Were reasoning was not thought of. Were love and mercy was considered being weak. So the god they chose to worship was just emulating the way they thought. Totally ADD
I asked an elder I was very close to about this. This elder is in the family and I spoke freely of my sadness that a baby dies a slow painful death over a week as punishment to David. His response and I could tell he believed it was, "according to the bound volumes I researched in, it was actually loving of Jehovah to handle it this way. He could have demanded the death of David and Bathsheeba. Instead, he only took the babies life. The baby can be resurrected. So this shows us gods mercy."
He also thought it was something we did t need to worry about or understand. But, it's in the bible. The bible is inspired and 100% accurate according to JWs. How could things that are clearly disturbing just not matter?
if he had instantly killed the baby, then maybe as a still half in dub I could have believed that. Maybe I could have thought it was although not satisfactory at least an answer. But, the account says god struck the child so that it fell ill. After a week it gradually died. That's not mercy, or love. That's horrible.
How do people read the bible and come away with this glorious warm and fuzzy feeling?
Really, we poke fun at JWs for pictures of kids falling in pits at Armageddon and deride it as a cult. But, that's what the bible says. That's what the bible teaches. That's what god does in the bible. I don't want any part of that. Not just no part of JWs but no part of god or religion that thinks that's ok.
Its why I find it very strange when people leave JWs and become "true Christians".
Our charming Fundi's here always switch the blame to the 'sinful' humans.
Because your assumption that god is a personality is flawed. God was how the ancients described the forces of nature. Nature does what it does without pain or sorrow.
I get that mP. I post these to try to help newbies to think clearer and hopefully reach any lurkers. Plus I always hope a believer will contribute and we can have a nice clean debate. But, I think I fill the first post with so much logic that it scares believers away. There is no reasonable answer a Christian could offer.