North American Natives, a 20,000 year legacy

by designs 16 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    A team have been testing the mitochondrial DNA, maternal side, of three Native Tribes from the Bristish Columbia region against bodies from 6,000-2,500 years ago and have found matches to living persons from the Nisga, Tsimshian, and Haida tribes. The skeletons came from Dodge Island. One of the 6000 year old skeletons matched DNA from a 10,000 year old skeleton from the same region. This represents one of the longest continuous legacies on earth.

    The peoples who comprise the North American Indians crossed the Bering Strait some 20,000 years ago, long before the Adam and Eve of Genesis.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    designs what team tellus all about them?

  • jgnat

    Here's a related article.

    I am curious how close the oral histories will match up to the genetic. These sorts of studies also help the local Native populations with their land claims.

  • designs

    The Team came from the University of Illinois led by molecular anthropologist Ripan Mahli who co-authored the article published in the journal PLOS ONE, July 3rd..

    see news

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi Designs, Sounds interesting.

    I had never heard of Dodge Island, so I googled it. It is very close to Prince Rupert, BC.

    Learning TTATT allows one to look beyond the Jewish Adam and Eve story.

    Fascinating, fact based studies, one can find, if one looks.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Just Lois

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thanks Designs, This was cool. I looked up the article. The 2 dig sites, one on Dodge Island, BC, the other burial mound was found in On Your Knees Cave, Alaska, when some old trees fell over in a wind storm.

    So learned Scientists (University educated) have found true facts relating to DNA from skeletons that share DNA from 2 sites less than 200 miles apart, and successfully paired them with their living descendants.

    The skeletons from South Western Alaska are 10,000 years old.

    Gee, Governing Body members. I guess if I went to Uni I might become smarter than you and then I wouldn't be "freely" donating my life, time, and money to your world wide scam anymore, and then you would have to dip into your retirement fund, to finish off your palatial Lakeside Estate that won't be ready for you for 3 whole more years.

    Going to Uni to learn and turn around and help mankind is bad.

    Helping Governing Body members have daily maid service with all the trimmings is good.

    Learning that man (and family) lived in SW Alaska before Adam was frolicking by himself, naming the animals must be very disconcerting to some.

    Not to me.

    Just Lois

  • Comatose

    But wait. How did they get back there after the flood?

  • Simon

    This will just put off our Calgary ring-road being built 'cause it goes over injun ground ...

    Seriously, the interpretive centres are fascinating with the history of the indigenous people. "Head smashed in buffalo jump" is an interesting place to visit. So much history going back so long. Sad that its been trampled on in the last couple of hundred years. Lets hope it survives for future generations but they face challenges.

  • designs

    Aren't moments great. Many of us here grew up and went through our school years under crazy uncle Freddie Franz and his 6000 year nonsense.

    Learning about all of these cultures who predate Genesis I find fascinating and solid anthropology gives us all a better sense of our place on earth.

  • Satanus

    Studying migrations and origins certainly is interesting.

    Indigenous - Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place.

    For natives to be truly indigenous, they would have had to have popped out of the north american ground, or evolved as a spcies adapted to the conditions, there. That didn't happen, so they were immigrants, originally.


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