It's pretty well excepted that Australian aboriginal people walked from Africa, around the south of what is now India, through S.E. Asia and across now long sunk land bridges 50,000 years ago. I cringe now to think that I knocked on people's doors for decades saying humans had been on the earth 6,000 years. Well I must admit that I even then, avoided the subject.
North American Natives, a 20,000 year legacy
by designs 16 Replies latest social current
There is evidence the Australian natives have been in Australia for 60,000 years.
Hey Satanus I think that definition is for flora and fauna. Try googling indigenous people.
Don't let the Mormons hear you say that.
Since we fall under the animal classification, we would be fauna, scientifically speaking.
Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, and of course our beloved JW world still cling to the Adam and Eve story no how many villages they uncover that predate the Genesis story by thousands of years.
One of the interesting time lines from Dodge Island is the garbage dump of sea shells. I guess they dumped the used shells in natural pits or canyons so you have these shells that go back thousands of years.