The Future Of The Watchtower Corporation, Black And White Or Shades Of Gray?
by frankiespeakin 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
??? No text in the post.
However, if you're asking what I think you're asking...
...hard-core B&W, all the way.
The shades of grey is a ship long since sailed.
I think the watchtower will always be around to abuse people. They will just bend over and spell R.U.N.
wha happened?
For every nutty religion out there, there's a group of people willing to play it through to the end. In some form or another, the WT will continue
Oops I hit a wrong button on the 1st post.
So what do we have for dynamics?
A Corporation that has an abysmal recorded of date setting for the end of the world who's dates have come and gone with nothing happening.
Childish Bible interpretation, belief in talking snakes, demons, devils.
No negative imput allowed from any source be it rank and file, science, or higher education, a complete unwillingness to come to terms with reality.
A persistance to engage in magical thinking.
Out dated printing empire that must seek other avenues of finacial gain due to electronic information age.
Many legal problems do to wishful thinking and delusions of grandure.
Intense exposure due to many lies and a failure to keep abreast with scientific knowledge.
Well, gosh, when you put it that way, you'd think the WTS's days were numbered...
wha happened?
yep and plenty of people out there to preach that record
Predicting the future is always a shady business. Part of the reason Watchtower has done so much damage is because it insists on foretelling future events and uses its predictions as an instrument of fear and control, so I am hesitant to follow down that path.
I personally doubt that Watchtower will ever completely evaporate. It will always be around in some form or other. Heck, if there can still be Bible Students nearly 100 years after Russell died then why shouldn't there still be people who venerate the Governing Body 100 years from now? The question is, how many of such ones will there be? Millions, or just a few hundred lunatics?
What is beyond doubt is that Watchtower has started downsizing. The closure or "merging" of branches together with the reduced magazine printing commitments is clear evidence of this. There is absolutely no reason for an organization with Watchtower's religious/world-conquering aspirations to shut down branches and print less literature unless something is seriously wrong.
Whether this downsizing will end up having any impact on publisher numbers remains to be seen. There are early signs that publisher growth is flatlining, especially when you take global population growth into consideration. However, who's to say some unforeseen development won't cause another spike in numbers?
I personally think Watchtower's days as a multi-national corporation are numbered and the rot has already begun, even if it will always be around in some form. I guess only time will tell.
Cedars, you rember asking me about Ghandi's quote?
"First they ignore us. Then they ridicule us. Then they fight us. Then we win."
The anti-"apostate" rhetoric is so over-the-top these days, it practically screams fear/desperation. And if they're afraid/desperate, there's gotta be a reason.
Where there's smoke, there's fire, man.
I try not to get my hopes up.
Shades of gray, including becoming even more irrelevant than they already are.
Having said that, there are many cults that have imploded so I still have hope in my soul.