Hey Gang, What's Your Fav Flavor of Lollipop?

by Tallyman 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    >> I think because my name is "Tallyman",
    and that reminds some people of BANANAS...
    (you know, "Day-O", the "Banana Boat Song"... the whole bit...)
    well, you get the imagery THAT could put into the mind of a perv...
    please help...
    but be discreet...
    now, I'm tippy-toeing outta here...[/i]<<

    OH! MY! I SWEAR yer honor, THAT never occurred to me!!!! EEEWWWWWW!!!

    Will I cause a PROBLEM if I mention that Pineapple is MY fave kind of lollipop? [grin]


    Annie.......who went through elementary school known as Annie-Banany! (Oh, the SHAME of it all!)

  • butalbee

    Not really into the lollipop thing, I am addicted to cinnamin Mento's--they're hot and sweet......

  • closer2fine


    Lollipop lollipop
    Oh lolli lolli lolli
    Lollipop lollipop.....

    Call my baby lollipop
    Tell you why
    His kiss is sweeter than an apple pie
    And when he does his shaky rockin' dance
    Man, I haven't got a chance

    I call him
    Lollipop lollipop
    Oh lolli lolli lolli
    Lollipop lollipop.....

    Sweeter than candy on a stick
    Huckleberry, chimry or lime
    If you had a choice
    He'd be your pick
    But lollipop is mine

    Lollipop lollipop
    Oh lolli lolli lolli
    Lollipop lollipop.....

    Crazy way he thrills me
    Tell you why
    Just like a lightning from the sky
    He loves to kiss me till I can't see straight

    I call him
    Lollipop lollipop
    Oh lolli lolli lolli
    Lollipop lollipop.....


    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

  • gravedancer
    OKLAHOMA CITY (EAP) - The latest craze in Catholic idolism has taken the form of a Jesus lollipop which has been in high demand over the past few weeks in Oklahoma City.

    Most of the stores who carry the sugar coated "savior on a stick" are unable to keep them in stock, due in part to large purchases by local Catholic Churches.

    The lollipop consists of a candy Jesus on the cross figure, combined with bits of chocolate mixed in. The flavor of the candy changes as one licks through to the center and individual wounds on the wrists and feet of the stick pinned candy savior.

    The wounded areas have a strong cinnamon flavor which is supposed to represent hell by giving the savior-sucking believers a burning sensation on their tongues.

    "We think this is a great innovation in idolism," said Father Edward Crouton of The Holy Church of Mary in east Oklahoma City during a recent inverview.

    "We're thinking of giving up our normal communion ceremonies, and just passing out the Jesus suckers at the door as people arrive to worship."

    The Jesus lollipop has drawn ridicule from the more fundamentalist Christian groups, who claim that the candy Jesus is just another idol, and is making a mockery of God.

    "It's complete blasphemy," says William Bonner, of Riverside Baptist Church. "Jesus would probably throw a fit if he saw people sucking on him. The Catholics have gone way too far with this one."

    "We don't see it that way," says Crouton. "Eating symbolic bits of Jesus's flesh and drinking his symbolic blood aren't any worse than sucking on a candy figure of him."

    "If people can't suck on Jesus, then may the Lord have mercy on their souls," says Crouton.

  • think41self

    LOL Gravedancer!

    Can we find the company that makes these? I wonder if they would do a special order for someone?

    I think it would make a great gift idea to order a box of

    lolli's and send them out to people. I know a few who would get a kick out of biting the heads off 'em...but I'm sure Skally would just start licking the feet and wouldn't be able to stop.


    She had the vocabulary of a brothel owner specializing in service to sailors with Tourette's syndrome

  • Tallyman

    Look! it's


    Haaa. You are SOoo E-Z.

    I KNEW you'd be here.

    I "baited" you with all those emotiCONS, and you chowed down HARD!-
    hook, line and schthinky schinker!
    (I used ALL of them to Make Sure you'd be lured here)

    Just couldn't resist, huh SchThink? (guess I had to CON you!)

    Like a Fly Attracted To Shit(icons).

    LOL Gravedancer!
    I KNEW you would say that!
    Oh, you are SOoo much FUN to play with...
    ...uhh, I mean

    You and gd, ...You Kelleyites reely like to "hang" together.

    Can we find the company that makes these?
    I KNEW you'd say THAT, too! ohhh, you are SO Transparent. So sheer.

    Whaaaa? Grave Dancer's "Savior-On-A-Stick" lollipop?
    You mean YOUR Kompany, the "Kelley-emPower-Kult-Kompany,InKorporated"
    doesn't make them? I'm shokkkkkkked, I am!
    A "product" like that would be right up your blind alley, too.

    I think it would make a great gift idea to order a box of TALLYWHACKER lolli's and send them out to people.
    I know a few who would get a kick out of biting the heads off 'em...
    I KNEW you'd say THAT, too! My, ain't you predictable!
    Now, YOU wouldn't happen to be one of those "few" you "know"
    who would like to "BITE THE HEAD OFF of Tally", would you??
    There's that VIOLENT TEMPER of yours' showing through again!

    You know, I've seen that over and over with you New Age Kultists with
    all the Mind Power/Enlightenment/Motivational esKhewing Krap.

    You're all Smiles and Rainbows and Butterflies and Radiant Light,
    and claim to be "FeelGoods", but sooooon enuff, you show those
    SHARP, MEAN TEETH - : : g a s p ! : : that would even
    bite the heads off of lollipops!!!

    Anyone knows that a lollipop should be slowly savored,
    whether licked or sucked... but never BITTEN!

    VERY Revealing about you, SchThinky.
    Yes, I'm glad I was about to LURE YOU & KONTROL YOU to come here
    and participate in my survey.

    but I'm sure Skally would just start licking the feet and wouldn't be able to stop.
    I KNEW you'd say that.

    Trying to insult sKally now, because... WHAT!?! she doesn't resort
    to VIOLENT BITING like you, and would rather start licking at the
    bottom and working her way up?

    What INTOLERANCE you show!!
    AS IF, there is ONE WAY and ONE WAY ONLY to enjoy a lollipop.

    Well, you never did put down a favorite flavor lollipop, SchThinky,
    so, I'm definitely putting you down for Dingleberry!

    LOve, Tallyman

  • think41self

    Methinks Tallywhacker has spent toooooo much time doing it to himself. Check this out!



    She had the vocabulary of a brothel owner specializing in service to sailors with Tourette's syndrome

  • think41self

    And as far as you and Skally go....

    Hey, did you think you could run around attacking people, spewing hate and intolerance...and some of it would never return to you?

    What happened to your Kristian principles? You know, some of those Biblical "morals"? Like, Whatever a man is sowing this he will also reap?

    Don't like it? Then it's time to change your ways. Either that, or sit back and enjoy the fruitage of your work.


    She had the vocabulary of a brothel owner specializing in service to sailors with Tourette's syndrome

  • joelbear

    Methinks he hasn't spent enough time doing it.

    All of it is pent up now and oozing, yes oozing.


  • think41self

    LOLOL Joel

    Now that I thinK about it, you could be right.

    Do you thinK he knows how to spell hypoKrite? Constantly espousing his Kristianity, yet never displaying any Kristlike qualities.

    Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.


    She had the vocabulary of a brothel owner specializing in service to sailors with Tourette's syndrome

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