Look! it's
Haaa. You are SOoo E-Z.
I KNEW you'd be here.
I "baited" you with all those emotiCONS, and you chowed down HARD!-
hook, line and schthinky schinker!
(I used ALL of them to Make Sure you'd be lured here)
Just couldn't resist, huh SchThink? (guess I had to CON you!)
Like a Fly Attracted To Shit(icons).
LOL Gravedancer!
I KNEW you would say that!
Oh, you are SOoo much FUN to play with...
...uhh, I mean
You and gd, ...You Kelleyites reely like to "hang" together.
Can we find the company that makes these?
I KNEW you'd say THAT, too! ohhh, you are SO Transparent. So sheer.
Whaaaa? Grave Dancer's "Savior-On-A-Stick" lollipop?
You mean YOUR Kompany, the "Kelley-emPower-Kult-Kompany,InKorporated"
doesn't make them? I'm shokkkkkkked, I am!
A "product" like that would be right up your blind alley, too.
I think it would make a great gift idea to order a box of TALLYWHACKER lolli's and send them out to people.
I know a few who would get a kick out of biting the heads off 'em...
I KNEW you'd say THAT, too! My, ain't you predictable!
Now, YOU wouldn't happen to be one of those "few" you "know"
who would like to "BITE THE HEAD OFF of Tally", would you??
There's that
VIOLENT TEMPER of yours' showing through again!
You know, I've seen that over and over with you New Age Kultists with
all the Mind Power/Enlightenment/Motivational esKhewing Krap.
You're all Smiles and Rainbows and Butterflies and Radiant Light,
and claim to be "FeelGoods", but sooooon enuff, you show those
SHARP, MEAN TEETH - : : g a s p ! : : that would even
bite the heads off of lollipops!!!
Anyone knows that a lollipop should be slowly savored,
whether licked or sucked... but never BITTEN!
VERY Revealing about you, SchThinky.
Yes, I'm glad I was about to LURE YOU & KONTROL YOU to come here
and participate in my survey.
but I'm sure Skally would just start licking the feet and wouldn't be able to stop.
I KNEW you'd say that.
Trying to insult sKally now, because... WHAT!?! she doesn't resort
to VIOLENT BITING like you, and would rather start licking at the
bottom and working her way up?
What INTOLERANCE you show!!
AS IF, there is ONE WAY and ONE WAY ONLY to enjoy a lollipop.
Well, you never did put down a favorite flavor lollipop, SchThinky,
so, I'm definitely putting you down for Dingleberry!
LOve, Tallyman