Hey Gang, What's Your Fav Flavor of Lollipop?

by Tallyman 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    I like Tally, he's like a drop of golden sunshine on a rainy day.


  • Tallyman
    And as far as you and Skally go....

    Wh-hhy! how DARE YOU!
    sKally and I have not "gone far"... and certainly not "all the way!"

    But, HOW FAR have you and joelbonobo gone, SchThinky?

    Is that YOUR way of "Spanking The Monkey"... uhh, I mean "The Chimp"?

    "Hey, did you think you could run around attacking people, spewing hate and intolerance...
    and some of it would never return to you?"

    Now, THAT sounds like what a Kelleyite does,
    when they run upstairs and lock the bathroom door,
    upset with themselves... exposed as frauds...
    and practices saying in front of the mirror.

    What happened to your Kristian principles?

    Left 'em at the Kult Door of the Kingdom Hall when I made my Exit.

    You know, some of those Biblical "morals"? Like, Whatever a man is sowing this he will also reap?

    Again, you Shokkkkkk me!
    WHY would a Bible HATER, a God HATER, a Christian HATER like you
    refer to Bible morals and quote scripture???

    Truly Puzzling!- A Kelleyite who has replaced "morals" with ALL the Game Rulz of Life? ... quoting the BIBLE?
    Did you have to dig up a copy of the Bible from a SchThinky Trashcan
    before you could find that scripture to quote??

    Don't like it?

    I like exposing Kults and Kultists like you, and consider it a Public Service to Others. [and there's NO KONsultation Fee]

    Then it's time to change your ways. Either that, or sit back and enjoy the fruitage of your work.

    It is SOoo rewarding to enjoy the fruitage of Kult-Busting.

    Why, here's a letter we received just a few days ago, from a viewer
    who visited our "Gallery" webpage:

    From: "RG" < ______@______.com>
    To: < [email protected]>
    Subject: From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained
    Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 09:54:34 -0600

    Thank you for putting up your page detailing the horrendous artwork that the
    J Dub organization has been spewing out for years.

    I am a 53-year-old, third generation JW (now ex). I was amazed a year ago to
    make a connection in regards to a recurring dream that I have experienced
    for years. To be brief, the dream components are that I am usually in some
    kind of row house that is always in need of repair. The “feel” is that I’m
    on an upper level. It’s raining and blowing viciously and I’m desperate to
    keep the rain out and anxious for the howling wind to stop. I’m frantically
    trying to effect repairs in the hope that this will stabalize the building.
    In this way the storm raging outside will not cause the house to fall.

    As our family lived in a row house in a seedy section of town for many years
    I had always thought that this related somehow to that house but I could
    never connect the feelings of fear and panic to this house, because truth be
    told, (no pun intended) there were many happy times in our house.

    I accidentally came across the very picture that you have posted on your
    site (page 208 of Paradise book) and something clicked. I made the huge and
    liberating connection that this long-standing dream actually connects to
    this “bedtime” story book and in particular to this page. As a tot, I had
    “projected” myself into the upper level of the toppling building. I stayed
    there (in my dreams) for almost 50 years.

    As a final comment, what needs to be understood clearly is that this book
    was not just read to impressionable children; it was “studied” with them.
    Questions such as, “What will Jehovah do to bla, bla, bla,” “What will
    happen to bla, bla, bla.” This stuff was and still is driven into the brains
    and dreams of countless thousands of innocent and helpless children.

    I wish you success and thank you for your efforts in “publishing” (oh god
    how I hate that word :-)) this information.


    Now, that was a sample of the fruitage coming our way
    for all our hard work exposing KULTS and CONS and SCAMS.

    It sounds as if this mailer experienced something very therapeutic.

    Tell me, SchThinky, what GOOD are YOU doing in helping others
    see the rotten insides of the Watchtower Kult, warning others away
    from an insidious poison, helping those in, come out...
    I mean, besides "helping yourself" by shamelessly posting a business
    link beside your user ID to let people know the Kelleyite "Good News"-
    the Answers To All Life Problems... by simply following Dr.Feelgood's
    RULZ... and Major Kredit Kards Are Accepted!


    LOve, Tallyman

  • think41self


    Watching you reminds me of going to the zoo.

    Specifically, the monkey cages.

    They're entertaining to watch for a while. You know, the way they jump around, scratch themselves, screech at people. But after a short time, the screeching gets on your nerves. And they seem to be mean spirited too. First they seem to content to amuse people with their antics...then they get bored or whatever and start picking up their own feces and flinging it around. Most intelligent people will move on when that happens, lest they fling some of their shit on you.

    So au revoir Tallywhacker, you can continue to fling shit on others if you like, and as long as Simon allows it.

    Too bad, at least in the case of the monkeys, when they're at rest they look almost human. Can't say the same for you.


    She had the vocabulary of a brothel owner specializing in service to sailors with Tourette's syndrome

  • Xena

    Now why do I get this feeling this thread is NOT about lollipops???

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