Cyberguy and Gem,
Thanks for the post and the translation into English.
The Society said, in typical fashion:
God's people were already being reviled in the first century, and it was especially foretold for the last days.
Comments? A lot of people are reviled when they're shown to be bad/wrong/duplicitous. How dare you assume that it's for YOUR GODLINESS that you're being criticized here?
The WT Society is the king of revilers. They revile any outside organization whenever possible (when it serves their purposes), and they also revile those former associates who have any philsophical disagreements. Beyond that, they attempt to isolate and denigrate such former associates from any friends and family they may have had. For them to speak of others reviling them (as if it came out of the blue) is laughable.
And we're not in the 'last days'. Enough of that nonsense already!!
But more to the point, why does the WT Society keep undermining its own principles? Examples: Blood is bad medicine. Taking a speck of it in any form is unholy conduct, and can lead to expulsion from the congregation. No, wait....certain fractions are Okay for hemophiliacs, and then for others. Wait.... now hemopure, an extract from cow's blood, is certainly acceptable for true Christians.
How confusing is all that? Many JW's superstitiously avoid all blood, because of the initial principle layed down -- all blood is to be avoided!
Then comes another principle -- the League of Nations and the United Nations are bad, bad, bad. They are Satan's substitutes on earth to distract attention from the Kingdom preaching message of Jehovah's Witnesses! They are the multi-headed image of the beast found in the Revelation.
No wait, it's okay to affiliate as an NGO, and to write positive articles about what some of the main humanitarian agencies of the UN are trying to accomplish. After all, we want the UN to view our organization somewhat reasonably.
How confusing to JW's who were taught that the UN is Satan's tool and that elements therein will attack Jehovah's Witnesses at the end after all other religion will have been destroyed.
So again, the WT tries to have things BOTH ways, and tries to exalt itself while trying to bring pity on itself because it receives some well-aimed criticism!!
This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.