Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"
by cyberguy 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"
Hi Anewperson
Judah B(en) Schroeder and the Watchtower attorneys used the years of UN liason to appear at and testify to the UN's Human Rights Committees
Can you give us a specific link or evidence of this quote.
Thanks GermanJW!
I was off-the-internet the week that thread appeard and therefore missed seeing it!
Thanks for the scans spender.
Anewperson actually mentioned links from the UN site "to a page including the 1994 Awake as an example of support".
That's the link I'm after if anyone can help.
So the WT continues to lie about their fornication with the Wild Beast? The proof that they screwed this Beast is so abundant, but they keep trying to get the truth swept under the carpet. The fact that they are excellent sweepers is well known too.
The problem is that they are screwing the innocent rank & file of the JW's. They are still convinced that the Great Whore still has the Truth. Poor suckers.
Here's to the WT
In these you'll find Schroeder attending UN Human Rights Commission sessions. He's Albert's son. I'm told he no longer has the position of Director of International Affairs, am not sure what he's doing right now. Anyone know?
International Affairs U8170
... a Human Right. Guest Lecturers: Judah Schroeder, Director of International Affairs.
Donald Ridley, Associate General Counsel, WatchTower Society. CP Valsamis v ...
www.columbia.edu/cu/sipa/COURSES/98_99/u8170.html - 42k - Cached - Similar pages
Jehovah's Witness Activity Considered by Moscow Court
... this development and hope that it will have a positive impact on the court case in
Moscow,” said Judah Schroeder, a Watchtower representative in Brooklyn, NY. ...
www.pfo.org/mscw-crt.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
The Watchman Expositor: Jehovah's Witnesses - Blood and Bulgaria
... address the implications of their agreement with Bulgaria. Watchtower public affairs
representative Judah Schroeder has staunchly refused to discuss with the ...
www.watchman.org/jw/bloodbulgaria.htm - 22k - Cached - Similar pages
The Watchman Expositor: Virtual Religion
... Watchtower spokesman, Judah B. Schroeder, Deputy Director of Public Affairs Department
told Watchman that logistics, not apostasy, was the main reason ...
www.watchman.org/cults/virtualreligion.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
Untitled - [ Translate this page ]
... et vice-président de la Watchtower, dans une interview a déclaré ... ALBERT D. SCHROEDER,
accompagné de son fils Judah-Ben, invita le docteur Gabriele ...
www.chez.com/tjrecherches/GBody.htm - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
France hits Witnesses with $50 million tax bill
... us financially and stop our work in France," said Judah Schroeder of the Watch Tower
Bible and Tract Society ... back to Watchtower News. back to Main Page.
www.watchtowernews.org/france.htm - 3k - Cached - Similar pages
Ravensbrueck Video Premiere
... of conscience and follow the dictates of the Watchtower Society. ... Memorial Museum
in Washington (DC) and Brother Judah Schroeder, also from Brooklyn. ...
www.ping.be/~pin00330/jw/only/EXP_ravensbrueck.html - 22k - Cached
Testigos de Jehová Info - [ Translate this page ]
... Claro esto aparece en una página promovida por la Sociedad Watchtower (Contactos:
Judah B. Schroeder, New York, (718) 560-5600 (vocero oficial de la Sociedad ...
www.geocities.com/tjqaa/bulgnews.html - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
Notes About the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
... Lösch knows well the Watchtower activities in Europe and speaks ... had a son called
Judah in February of 1958 ... In December 18, 1974 Schroeder was appointed to the ...
www.geocities.com/osarsif/gb.htm - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.geocities.com ]
BBC News | Europe | Moscow seeks ban on Jehovah's Witnesses
... Judah Schroeder, a Jehovah's Witness spokesman, said the authorities had no evidence
against his organisation and he claimed the case was being ...
news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_276000/276135.stm - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia - Trial to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses ...
... WatchTower Public Affairs Office 25 Columbia Heights ... is obviously a spurious case,”
said Judah Schroeder, a representative of Jehovah’s Witnesses in ...
www.jw-russia.org/eng/press/prl_WT98nov18.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia - Moscow trial against Jehovah’s ...
... www.watchtower.org. Contact: James N. Pellechia Watch Tower Public Affairs Office,
phone: 718/560-5600, fax: 718/560-5619; Albert Polanski or Judah Schroeder ...
www.jw-russia.org/eng/press/prl_99mar12a.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.jw-russia.org ]
Jehovah's Witnesses: News Release
... what is obviously a spurious case," said Judah Schroeder, a representative of Jehovah's
Witnesses in ... on Jehovah's Witnesses, visit www.watchtower.org. ...
www.jw-media.org/releases/981118a.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
Concern - Autumn 1998
... work since 1900. "Their intent seems to be to break us financially and stop our
work in France," said Judah Schroeder of the Watch Tower Society. ...
www.firstandlast.org.uk/conau981.html - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
Originalartikeln finns att läsa på engelska på adressen
... sin organisation ? den lokala grenen av Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (WTS ... 2,
No. 5, 1997-MAY; Judah B. Schroeder, "Representatives from 15 European Union ...
www.religionochfrihet.nu/nummer5/intolerans.htm - 37k - Cached - Similar pages
Inspiration claims of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society
... the end of the kingdom of Judah. So who will prophesy with ... and earth." (JW Leader
Albert Schroeder, May 29, 1980). ... 1980 'A Watchtower enables a person to look ...
www.bible.ca/Jw-inspiration.htm - 63k - Cached - Similar pages
PDS Russian Religion News November 1998
... 18 November 1998 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. In a ... is obviously a spurious
case," said Judah Schroeder, a representative of Jehovah's Witnesses ...
www.stetson.edu/~psteeves/relnews/9811b.html - 55k - Cached - Similar pages
PDS Russia Religion News February 1999
... Judah Schroeder, a Jehovah's Witness spokesman, said the authorities had ... JEHOVISTS.
The Watchtower Society, "Jehovah's Witnesses," rejects any earthly ...
www.stetson.edu/~psteeves/relnews/9902a.html - 77k - Cached - Similar pages
... organization, the local branch of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (WTS). A ... 2,
No. 5, 1997-MAY; Judah B. Schroeder, "Representatives from 15 European Union ...
www.religioustolerance.org/rt_franc.htm - 51k - Cached - Similar pages
The letter!!! What a joke.
So "THE DISGUSTING THING STANDING (Oh..not yet) IN A HOLY PLACE'S library is essential to the WTBS. WOW! Imagine that. Anointed! Needing the UN's library for research.
Imagine Noah saying that before he started his construction of the ark. Or Moses before leading gods people out of Egypt. Or Abraham checking with the NGO and library before sacrificing Isaac.
All you JWs. Wake up and smell the aroma of "false prophets"
So just like a little bit of blood (fractions) is a conscience matter...
A little bit (fraction) of the UN is a conscience matter. The library (lol) to be exact. Medical advice! Maybe thats where they got the ok to take a fraction of blood now from.
And "WITHDREW" themselves. "I DON'T THINK SO." The wording from the UN letter was they "DISASSOCIATED" the WTBS. A little taste of their own medicine.
Just a thought
On the other hand, we are joyful that we can have full trust in head of the congregation, Jesus Christ, and through him the spirit-anointed brotherhood.
So, according to these words in the Society's letter, it was all Jesus' fault. More blasphemy!
Hello everyone,
thanks for the latest information on this..
gret issue. thanks to anewperson for the links:
I'll visit all of them!!!
One: excellent comment, very, very true.
"I would be surprise if they circulate letter on the issue. They avoid talking sensitive issues. Then they count on the fact that people have short memories. That is why the re-visit people with the "good news" about the wt empire (kingdom)"
Greetings to all, J.C.MacHislopp
Now someone correct me if I am wrong, but I remeber reading somewhere that even as privite citizens you can access the UN library, via local UN locations throughout the world, no membership needed. Also If my memory serves me correctly, the WTS did disasociate themsleves, but it was under threat that the UN's DPI office was going to do it for them, they just beat them to the punch.