Since everyone else is posting computer threads today I thought I would also.
Does anyone else here have more RAM than processing power? My PC has a 500Mhz processor and 512Mb worth of RAM. Just curious and I've never really thought about it until today and was wondering if anyone else is excessive as I am.
Oh yes, I also run Win2k Pro and host a website from it for what its worth.
Another computer topic
by rhett 31 Replies latest jw friends
I can probably say with a certain level of confidence that I have everyone here beaten when it comes to computing power. I have a dual AMD XP 1600+ with 512mb (soon to be 1GB) pc2100 ECC DDR SDRAM, geforce 2 ultra video card, 80gb + 60gb 7200rpm harddrives, two 100mbit network cards, sound blaster live card,16x DVD 16x10x40x CDRW, and a tyan tiger s2460 motherboard.
Processing power, MAYBE spen....but I got you beat for gaming (and maybe even processing, I overclock my FSB causing my CPU pipe to RAM to jump to 302 MHz)
AthlonXP '1600+'@'1900+'
512 MB PC2400 @ 302 MHz
GeForce3 Ti500 (270 core/595 ram)
40GB + 20GB 7200 RPM ATA/100 HD
1 100mbit NIC
Hercules GameTheater XP (tried the live, thought it sucked, sorry)
Shuttle AK31 v3.1 motherboard (VIA kt266a baby, YEAH)Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
I have a dual AMD XP 1600+ with 512mb (soon to be 1GB) pc2100 ECC DDR SDRAM, geforce 2 ultra video card, 80gb + 60gb 7200rpm harddrives, two 100mbit network cards, sound blaster live card, and a tyan tiger s2460 motherboard.
But can you type?
what OS are you using? Cause unless the OS you are using is Win NT, 2K or BeOS the second processor is not really being used. -
Linux 2.4. And yes, I know what I'm doing :) I write code for the operating system itself.
xander: there's no way you have me beat! I have the equiv of 3ghz of processing power! :p
I can type around 75wpm on a standard keyboard...around 80-85 on a laptop keyboard...the less I have to push down on the keys the faster I can type.
I have the biggest hard drive 160,120,60,60 cdrw dvdrw
oh I only have 512mb and 1ghz athon .. but I also have 802.11b going to four systems in my system at work is decent, 2 x 866 p4, 1gb mem, 18gb,36gb both 10,000rpm scsi, 22" mon
Yeah, but I can count on one hand the number of apps I've got that can use multiprocessors.
Using SiSoft for benchmarking (Windows only util -, I get:
CPU Arithmetic Benchmark
4412 MIPS (Dhrystone)
2201 MFLOPS (Whetstone)
Memory Bandwidth Benchmark
2.3 GB/s (int)
2.2 GB/s (float)And, my 3dMark2k1 score (for benchmarking the 3d subsystem):
9406If you are only running Linux, I don't know of any comparable tests to direct you at, though...
(?Linux? - *blech* - no decent apps for it!)
(I'm actually impressed, though. Really - I have heard all kinds of horror stories getting the AXPs to work multiprocessor)
Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
another way to play -- "who's got the biggest" huh ???????
well, humble and modest 'me', cannot claim biggest anything!!!!
Are you a kernal guy?!
I do C under QNX.. but it is for applications software...