Am I wrong or did Zimmerman say in his 911 call that Martin was going along the sides of homes and looking in windows, or words to that effect? As opposed to just walking down the sidewalk? IF that is the case it might account for the time it took Martin to go the one mile from the store to his complex and it would give a person doing Neighborhood Watch a reason to call 911.
I don't think if Zimmerman was going to start a fight with Martin he would have called 911 first.
Based on the evidence I've heard I would have to vote not guilty. The photos of Zimmerman's nose and the back of his head back up his story.
It is obvious that Martin was insulted to be followed and angry about it - I don't blame him. Even throwing a punch - maybe - if Zimmerman confronted him. Bashing his head into the sidewalk......that lead to the shooting in my mind.
It really is sad. No one wants to feel unsafe in their neighborhood, which is why those Neighborhood Watches were started. No one wants to be followed and treated like a criminal just it your clothes, color or other reason.