Bitter apostates

by Laika 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Laika

    Witnesses often go on about apostates being spiteful and bitter. When you get cut off, shunned, or threatened with shunning just for the audacity of thinking differently, it's not surprising that getting angry at the Witnesses is the reaction - it's like a self fulfilling prophecy.

    But also, I recently posted an email from a 'friend' on this board who told me that everyone he'd spoken to about me said I had changed, become like another person. It didn't occur to him that the day before I told my parents I'd quit the religion just 3 weeks ago, I met him for lunch, we had a good time and he didn't know anything was up. I haven't changed, what's changed is people's attitude toward me.

    We grew up down the street, were in the same year/grade at school and in the same Congregation, lifelong friends, but the instant he found out I had different beliefs his programming overrode that and he decided I must now be evil and demonic, so he's projecting that on to me.

    Even though I'm going out of my way to not be seen as the apostate stereotype, by being polite and understanding in every conversation and email with every JW, I'm still seen as an apostate stereotype. You can't win!

    Anyway, on that note, I found this article "Beware the Bitter Fruits of Apostasy" really fascinating, it reads exactly like something you'd see in a Watchtower, but it's on the Mormon website.

  • Laika

    Can someone make that link clickable please? Best part of the article:

    “Strange as it may appear at first thought, yet it is no less strange than true, that notwithstanding all the professed determination to live godly, apostates after turning from the faith of Christ, unless they have speedily repented, have sooner or later fallen into the snares of the wicked one, and have been left destitute of the Spirit of God, to manifest their wickedness in the eyes of multitudes."

    I've told Witnesses I still believe in God, but I've had 3 people tell me that it's not enough to just believe and without the Watchtower I'm going to fall into an ungodly life...

  • garyneal
  • Laika

    Good post Gary.

    Do Mormons call their religion 'the truth' as well? The mormons in that video kept using that phrase.

  • garyneal
    Do Mormons call their religion 'the truth' as well? The mormons in that video kept using that phrase.

    I don't know if they use that phrase but the video sure did repeat it very often.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Laika, I was reading a lot of books about the FLDS, Scientologists, North Korea and the Amish before I found out about the real "truth". What kept going through my mind was how similar they were with the mind control and shunning. I realized that something wasn't right with the Witnesses so that is what started my journey with reading books about the Witnesses. They are all very simular in the fact that they all claim to have the "truth" and everyone of them will shun those they are in who go against any of the rules.

  • Londo111


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "I had changed, become like another person."

    He changed and became another person, too. He's become an insulting, accusatory, hateful, brain-eatting zombie.

  • garyneal

    Your link led me to this page:

    I noticed that in the videos the history is very white washed. I know little about the Mormon belief but one of the videos left out a lot like the origin of the negro race and why the native americans have red skin.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think what freaked some of my JW friends before they finally figured out I wasn't attending meetings is that they saw NO change in me whatsoever. Thanks to this board, I was more up on the latest changes and WT's than they were. It really shocked them that I didn't "return to the world and it's vomit". I even commented to it in that sam manner. I said, "So much for me returning to my own vomit".

    But in the end it didn't matter They just make it up as they go along and spread rumours that I left because of PEOPLE.

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