I pass on the book of Mormon, I like other kind s of fiction.
The airstreams off the coast only allow for a comparitively
small strip of lush, green vegetation. These strips are pretty much due east of Nahom. Coincidence?
If someone (like say, Joseph Smith), completely makes up a bunch of stuff, writes a biblical sounding book, throwing around a lot of impressive sounding terms, invent things, and pretends to have some divine authority, it will always be possible to find "proof" of his delusions if that's what you want to do.
You should really practice my religion, it's so much better. I call it Apostatiany. It was started by me, I found some sacred scrolls on the internet, in a place called JWD, which when translated from the language of Apostatiany means "The place where truth overcomes lies" . There are some, true, that say it means Jehovah's Witness Discussion, but they are disgruntled former members, who just make things up. JWD has lots of wisdom from the Gods. There is a God called Simon, who comes from the place Canada, which means "place in the North" (Northip). In Apostatish. The sacred scrolls were originallly made by Simon at the North pole, the North pole is also North, coincidence? If you notice, the name Simon starts with the Letter "S". The Sun, the sacred symbol of our religion also starts with the Letter "S". Those who practice this religion will go to the sacred place in the sky (seohrap) when they die . Sky and Sacred BOTH begins with the Letter "S" . Coincidence? I think not
There, I invented a religion. You cannot prove its not the one true religion, so it must be so. Those who refuse to acknowledge this is the one true religion will not go to the Seohrap.