No, I actually think both OJ and MJ are guilty as charged. I actually agree w this verdict too. I dont believe GZ wanted to kill TM either. I just dont buy Gz story completely. We only have GZs side. Maybe he attacked first. Maybe not. You believe GZ I have doubts. Both parties had bad charachter/behavior.
Zimmerman Not guilty
by mouthy 480 Replies latest social current
5go - GZ had every right to walk his neighborhood. The first illegal act was when TM punched GZ ti the ground.
Sorry he disobeyed 911 instructions that was leave and wait for police to show up. Look at this from another perspective GZ disbey third party has a gun kills GZ and runs, instant cold case. Happens all the time here in the states. Now let's use a third party someone that lived on the street and GZ confronts him thinking he was TM and this event happens to him. Same outcome? Yes, if he was young and black but No, if he was old and white GZ would have needle in his arm already.
It's about race an that is it plain and simple.
They can just declare what they would like to have happened with zero evidence even when it doesnt fit with other facts.
The trial is over, it was self defense therefore TM was the attacker.
I don't get it, why do people claim that GZ followed TM when he didn't? Surely the police would have cooroborated where the fight took place in relation to the vehicle.
Zimmerman therefore called a non-emergency police line to report Martin's behavior and summon police. [180] [181] During the call, Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was "coming to check me out." [93] A source to the Orlando Sentinel said in May that Zimmerman told investigators that at one point Martin circled his vehicle, [Note 7] and he rolled up his window to avoid a confrontation. [177] [182]
After telling the police dispatcher that Martin "ran," [183] Zimmerman left his vehicle to determine his location and ascertain in which direction Martin had fled. [177] [184] The dispatcher asked if Zimmerman was following Martin, and Zimmerman replied "Yeah." Then the dispatcher said, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman replied with "OK" and stated that Martin got away. [183] After a discussion about where Zimmerman would meet police, the call ended, and Zimmerman told investigators he was returning to his vehicle when Martin approached him from his left rear and confronted him.
I don't get it, why do people claim that GZ followed TM when he didn't?
We only have Zimmerman's word for what happened because he shot the only other witness.
As a conceled carry licensed person, the first three rules are avoid, avoid and avoid. Being licensed to carry means I also carry a greater burden to prove that I did nothing to create or escalate a conflict. If I am in a verbal conflict and I don't walk away, I am to blame if a shooting happens. If someone punches me and I don't walk away, I am to blame if it escalates into a shooting.
GZ should have put in the call and walked away. Whether he was getting his ass kicked or not, he created the situation. Carrying a gun did NOT make him law enforcement.
This is just my 2.
The idiot (GZ) was told not to follow the youth by the 911 dispatcher. IDIOT - VIGILANTE. He put himself in danger. That's what we pay the cops to do; it's why some people (not me) call them 'heroes'.
Any reasonable adult would have used common sense and let the police handle it.
Do we know for a FACT that TM did not see GZ's holster or gun? NO.
Do we know for a FACT that GZ was not brandishing said gun? NO.
Maybe that's why he got smashed in the face and head. Maybe TM was afraid that GZ was some white nutter who was looking to gun down a young black man. It's Florida, for cryin' out loud. Yeah, he was a 17 YO who posted a few thuggish facebook pics -- that's what a lot of 17 YO kids do. They talk and act tough. Oh my Goddess! A pic of him flipping the bird! Blowing smoke! A pic of weed! WHAT A THUG! *rolls eyes*
Only two people could have testified about what went down that night, in those 2-3 minutes, and one of them is dead. Was the injustice system satisfied by reasonable doubt? Yes. Was true justice served? No. GZ should have gotten manslaughter, or whatever vigilantes who go off all stoopid and end up shooting someone get convicted of.
And FFS, fakesmile, whitey? I'm disappointed, but not surprised. We are all alike in your eyes, I guess. I know that emotions are running high, so won't take what you said personally. Still lurvs ya! xoxo
I think I shall re-read my copy of "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" this week to remind myself that all people of colour do not hate me.
We only have Zimmerman's word for what happened because he shot the only other witness.
You also don't have anyone elses word that he did, so why the manufactured conjecture?
Ok, blindly repeating the same bullshit is pointless and its getting tiring. If you cant be bothered to keep up with the evidende and what is and isn't 'the law' then I'm not wasting my time answering you.
EP, yes, just saw your last comment.