Yeah, I know that it's been just around the corner for as long as there have been corners, but my question adds just a little different twist, and that twist is: Is there anything (according to the GB) that needs to take place before Armageddon? Or can it happen any moment? And what will be the first signs of Armageddon?
Many Christian religions believe Jesus will return and they look forward to the event. Finally, peace, justice and mercy would reign, and the wicked will be vanquished. But the Society believes Armageddon will come and kill everyone but Jehovah's Witnesses!
They keep talking about it coming shortly, but the GB keeps spending money on new buildings and making temporal plans that seem to belie those expectations. So from those who know the topic, how will JWs know when the big day arrives? Will the skies suddenly turn black and fire start falling from heaven? Will there be a trumpet sounding? And will persecution against the JWs by the nations of the Earth come before it all?