I have never been 'told' that, but I sure do feel it. My experiences with the witnesses has left my spiritual life in tatters. Prior to attending my last meeting half a year ago I was reading my Bible daily without fail. I read Genesis to Revelation in under 2 months. I was regular pioneering and thinking to go where the need was greater. I felt I was developing a nice relationship with God. I felt half good most of the time.
Now I can not even contemplate stepping inside a kingdom Hall, I am unable to even touch the Bible.. I don't see how I could ever teach anyone these things again that I used to as I no longer believe it myself. I no longer believe in or respect them as a people as I used to. They quite disgust me in fact.
And yes.. I am currently unable to speak to God at the moment either.
So in answer to your question punkofnice yes the Watchtower and it's followers (especially it's leaders and elders) have all but wrecked any spiritual life I had entirely and my faith in God with it is also very severely dented as he has become so closely bound up with them. I need to separate the two which is far from easy.
I am sifting through the debris seeing what if anything is salvageable. My house of sand and twigs has collapsed entirely. I am having to learn to build everything from complete scratch. Thank you Watchtower.