An official YouTube channel.
by His Excellency 77 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, I guess it really is the real deal. Even allowing for comments? Is that right? No way, man--they can't have created their own YouTube channel. That's too public a forum--they'd want to limit the external input. I would assume they'd at least disable comments for all their videos.
Where's the anti-masturbation video for the deaf?
I'm already banned from that channel for asking about their shunning policy...
They are on the fence between being a corporation and a cult.
I'm actually glad they have their own channel. I'm pretty sure they were posting videos already via other channels. At least this way it's all official. Plus I can now embed their videos in articles etc without worrying whether or not they will get removed through DMCA takedown notices.
Bring it on, bring it on.
Is this for real? I have a hard time believing the WTBTS is now posting on YouTube. That's like opening a church on a block with an adult-toy store, a porn shop, an ex-JW Apostafest Meetup site and a Freedom From Religion Foundation storefront.
When I load that page into my web browser I have these links on the left:
Then I guess at least that means we makers-of-spiritually-poisonous-brew have home field advantage. Should be fun.
Is this for real? I have a hard time believing the WTBTS is now posting on YouTube. That's like opening a church on a block with an adult-toy store, a porn shop, an ex-JW Apostafest Meetup site and a Freedom From Religion Foundation storefront.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Go where the people are.
Besides, Scientology has a YouTube channel, why not Watchtower?
Cedars: Scientology has a YouTube channel, why not Watchtower?
But Scientology is a cult. Everyone knows that!