Pedophiles Knocking

by Marvin Shilmer 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Pedophiles Knocking

    Today I added a new article to my blog. In a nutshell, it points out why the general public should be leery of Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking at the front door.

    My article is titled Pedophiles Knocking and is available at:

    Who is getting to know your children today?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    I've posted before how my next door neighbor hands a printout of their child abuse policy direct from to any JW's that come knocking and just politely tells them that ithat is why she doesn't want them knocking.

    Obviously I had something to do with that idea....

  • Giordano

    If I was an active JW I would refuse to go Door to Door because there are known and unknown (by the R &F and public) pedophiles going out in FS.

  • Honesty

    The article is now featured on

    Give it a few minutes and the pedophile JW PR reps on that board will be trying to get it pulled down.

  • EdenOne


    With all due respect to your articles, the title of this one makes me cringe, because its a blanket statement that's both unfair and offensive to all those that are JW's and have nothing to do with paedophily. If you were a gipsy and I wrote an article titled "Gipsy Paedophiles", would you not feel offended by the blanket statement, even if the content was discussing only a few cases among the ethnical group? Would you not read an intent to stain the entire etnicity ?

    Regardless of the merit of the contents in the article, the title is dangerously hate-inducing.


  • Scully


    If you were a gipsy and I wrote an article titled "Gipsy Paedophiles", would you not feel offended by the blanket statement, even if the content was discussing only a few cases among the ethnical group?

    Except the title of his article is "Pedophiles Knocking" not "JW Pedophiles".

    Personally, I think it only fair to the general public to make them aware that some JWs may be knocking on their doors with ulterior motives, other than the obvious one of trying to gain converts to their belief system.

  • EdenOne

    Scully, I've read many reports of paedophile cases perpetrated by JW's. I don't recall a single one perpetrated by a JW while on the door-to-door ministry upon children of the household. I simply don't recall a single one. Perhaps you can remember one?

    Since the target audience of the article are people who live in households that are reached by the JW's in their door-to-door ministry, it would be a good idea to express in what way the JWs are more dangerous than the milkman, the postman, the neighbor next door or the pizza delivery guy who also knock on the door.

    make them aware that some JWs may be knocking on their doors with ulterior motives

    Well, that may well be a commendable objective and the article may well be on target with it. But it's the wording of the title, remember. The householder, not having any reasonable means to determine the ulterior motives of the Witness, will feel free to pass a judgement upon every single one of them as "those paedophiles knocking".

    I stand by what I've said: The title of the article is hate-inducing.


  • skeeter1

    What can someone learn at a doorstep:

    1. Who is home and not home.

    2. If the doors are locked; how many & type.

    3. If there is an alarm.

    4. If there is a dog.

    All of this information can be used by someone with very sinister motives. Thinking of the Night Stalker in the UK that used the JWs as a front to prey on elderly victims to rape.

    What's the purpose of a door visit? To get a Bible Study. Getting a Bible Study with small children (or around them) is a great advance for someone with sinister motives.

    What's that old Barbara Mandrell song? And, it could be the devil knocking on your door, but with a blue suit and Watchtower in hand.

  • Scully


    Scully, I've read many reports of paedophile cases perpetrated by JW's. I don't recall a single one perpetrated by a JW while on the door-to-door ministry upon children of the household. I simply don't recall a single one. Perhaps you can remember one?

    You don't know how the psychology of paedophiles works. They are PREDATORS. They seek out vulnerable targets. They learn when their targets are most vulnerable. They groom their targets to feel safe around them, to accept and trust them. They are extremely patient. They don't introduce themselves and then immediately sexually assault a child. No, they take their time because the grooming and the "game" excites them - they know how they want their interaction with their target to turn out, but their target doesn't. They fantasize and meticulously plan how they are going to seduce their target, the same way a con artist scams people out of their money.

    The contact they make with families and children through the Door-to-Door Ministry™ is only the beginning, just like the JW recruitment (Studying the Bible™) process, grooming a target takes time and patience.

    So, I agree with you - the Door-to-Door Ministry™ is not the venue paedophiles use to commit child sexual abuse. It is part of their hunting grounds.

    Common Attributes of Child Molesters:

    -- from A Profile of the Child Molester

    • Pedophiles are notoriously friendly, nice, kind, engaging and likeable.
    • Pedophiles target their victims, often insinuating themselves into that child's life through their family, school, house of worship, sports, and hobbies.
    • Pedophiles are professional con artists and are experts at getting children and families to trust them.
    • Pedophiles will smile at you, look you right in the eye and make you believe they are trustworthy.

    in·sin·u·ate verb \in-'sin-y?-?wat, -yü-?at\
    Definition of INSINUATEtransitive verb
    1a : to introduce (as an idea) gradually or in a subtle, indirect, or covert way <insinuate doubts into a trusting mind> b : to impart or suggest in an artful or indirect way : imply <I resent what you're insinuating>
    2: to introduce (as oneself) by stealthy, smooth, or artful means
    intransitive verb
    1archaic : to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly : creep
    2archaic : to ingratiate oneself


    in·sid·i·ous adjective \in-'si-de-?s\
    Definition of INSIDIOUS1a : awaiting a chance to entrap : treacherous b : harmful but enticing : seductive <insidious drugs>
    2a : having a gradual and cumulative effect : subtle <the insidious pressures of modern life> b of a disease : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent

    Common Child Molester Strategies:

    -- from A Profile of the Child Molester

    • Befriending parents, particularly single parents, to gain access to their children
    • Offering babysitting services to overextended parents or caregivers
    • Taking jobs and participating in community events that involve children [THINK: DOOR-TO-DOOR MINISTRY™]
    • Attending sporting events for children or offering to coach children's sports
    • Volunteering in youth organizations, offering to chaperone overnight trips
    • Loitering in places children frequent: playgrounds, malls, game arcades, etc. [THINK: JW CONVENTIONS!!!]
    • Spending time in Internet gaming and social communities, learning the online interests and lingo of youngsters
    • Becoming foster parents
  • 3rdgen

    Chances are that the milkman, pizza guy, next door neighbor, etc. are not representing themselves as God's Ministers. There is a certain amout of trust placed in those that come in the name of God. This extra trust could be dangerous in the case of a pedophile.


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