Pedophiles Knocking

by Marvin Shilmer 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • EdenOne


    I believe you're missing my point. Of course paedophiles do insinuate themselves insidiously with children using the JW's activities. I've seen dozens of reports. As you agreed, they're patient and this happens gradually, even if the entire script is already written inside their heads. I'm merely pointing out to the nature of the title of the article, which is a blanket title that lends to people passing judgement upon any and every Witness that knocks on their door as a potential paedophile and reacting negatively towards the Witnesses based, not on the rejection of the doctrines, but on the hate towards the group. That's all.


    I fully agree with you. Please understand that my objection is towards the title of the article, nothing more.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I'm merely pointing out to the nature of the title of the article, which is a blanket title that lends to people passing judgement upon any and every Witness that knocks on their door as a potential paedophile and reacting negatively towards the Witnesses based, not on the rejection of the doctrines, but on the hate towards the group.”

    The Watchtower organization DOES NOT advertise the fact that KNOWN pedophiles among Jehovah’s Witnesses go door-to-door under auspices of the religion.

    I’m telling. That’s all there is to it.

    Think of it as you wish, which is as it should be.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • EdenOne


    I don't intend to make a big issue out of this. I said what I said, raised an alert. I rest my case now.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer



    I’m making no issue over anything, either.

    The point is it’s the Watchtower organization casting the pall over the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses; not me.

    The Watchtower organization is responsible for letting KNOWN pedophiles continue performing door-to-door preaching work under auspices of the religion. I’m not the one doing this.

    All Watchtower must do to stop this heinous circumstance is to inform KNOWN pedophiles they are not permitted to engage door-to-door preaching as Jehovah’s Witnesses but should engage other preaching methods, like telephone or mail.

    Unsuspecting parents do not want KNOWN pedophiles being sent to their homes where children may reside and be (or become) vulnerable.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • talesin


    Most excellent! This organization is a haven for pedophiles, and YES, if ONE pedo is knocking on doors, the children are vulnerable. What if said pedo starts a Bible Study TM with the family? Your article is a 'fair warning' ... the b'Org endorses these monsters as 'ministers', and as such, deserves to be vilified.

    Every Jehovah's Witness who condones the 'two witness rule' makes themselves complicit in sexual abuse of children.

    Right on!



  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Pedophiles RUIN many generations of lives! If there was NOTHING else to hold against WT (and there is plenty!), the fact that they allow KNOWN pedophiles to go out in the field service would be more than enough to prove to me there is no way this organization could be the Creator of the Universe's approved visible organization!

    I don't want to talk face to face with a person like that! But those GB men want to FORCE them on people! They have GOT to be out of their minds! because it's insanity.

  • GonzoX


    With all due respect to your articles, the title of this one makes me cringe, because its a blanket statement that's both unfair and offensive to all those that are JW's and have nothing to do with paedophily. If you were a gipsy and I wrote an article titled "Gipsy Paedophiles", would you not feel offended by the blanket statement, even if the content was discussing only a few cases among the ethnical group? Would you not read an intent to stain the entire etnicity ?

    Regardless of the merit of the contents in the article, the title is dangerously hate-inducing.


    Such a statement is completely fair, when you consider they paint apostates as being a bunch of sexually immoral drug addicts, as being mentally diseased, ect.

    Not all Ex-JW's have bad morals. Some just left because they got tired of the bullshit. Many are no longer JWs because they were forced to be one by there parents while growing up. Such a statement that JW pedophiles are coming to your door is completely fair. If you look at the policies on how they handle such cases, this type of statement is completely fair.

    The JWs who aren't pedophiles need to realize that the Bible says, "Bad associations spoil usefull habits."

  • blondie

    I think people should be cautious of anyone, family, neighbors, friends, workmates, police, teachers, doctors, coaches, etc., and take investigatory steps and that the government check the background of anyone who comes in contact with children in their employment or voluntary activities.

    To think that one is protecting their children from pedophiles by not letting jws call at their door is ignoring the larger number of dangerous people.

    I noticed when I went door to door, children were not told that they should not answer the door but to keep the door shut and locked and go get their parent or adult. I know it would not be safer if the person were not a jw. Your children should not be letting any people have access to their home.

    A child is more likely to be molested by a parent, a sibling, uncle, grandfather, friendly neighbor John, favorite teacher Jack, than a stranger at the door.

    I uncovered a child sex offender at work, still on probation, that had already schoozed his way into the home of the one co-worker that had a child in his preferred category. BTW his supervisor knew he was on probation and said nothing to his workers. This man went back to prison.

    To sum up again, check every person who has contact with your child; being concerned only about jws, and not being concerned about teachers, coaches, family members, neighbors, is just as likely to be putting your child at risk.

  • Mary
    I don't recall a single one perpetrated by a JW while on the door-to-door ministry upon children of the household. I simply don't recall a single one.

    That's probably because Witnesses generally work with someone else when they're out in field serve-us, hence that would make molesting a child while knocking on doors very difficult. However, does it really matter? Some creep at the Hall might be molesting a kid at the Hall or a niece or nephew or even their own child. After committing this dispicable act, they then go off and present themselves as a 'minister of God' offering someone the chance to join the 'one true religion'. And as we've all found out, pedophiles in this religion are allowed to go out knocking on doors even when the elders and Crooklyn know what they've done which is just as sick as what the molestor does himself. And I think that is the point Marvin's article: That that nice man at the door who's offering you a free home bible study, could very well be a child molester; his church knows it but they still allow him to go out and preach at strangers' doors.

    I still really find it hard to understand how anyone who truly believes that they are a 'true Christian', could possibly do something so horrifying and then get up there on the platform giving talks, or go out in service preaching or even be on a JC where he sits in judgement on someone else whose crime is nowhere near as bad......

  • Retrovirus

    Mary said

    That's probably because Witnesses generally work with someone else when they're out in field serve-us, hence that would make molesting a child while knocking on doors very difficult

    But if a child answers the door the paedophile knows where the child lives, and the time of day or week s/he is alone, and can return. Such a child is likely to be lonely and a great subject for "grooming". Even if an adult is present and there are children, the adult may not always be there, or may be induced to trust the paedo over time.

    I am a single parent (kids are adults now) and there were times when my children were briefly alone in the house. They were well trained and never admitted adults even if they knew them, but a known molester going door to door makes me feel sick.

    The "ministry" is a great cover for a paedophile seeking new victims. The wt is putting conversions ahead of public safety and this is beneath contempt.


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