This may be a weird request but it helps keep my identity, and IP address anonymous. I need someone to help me email a copy of CofC PDF to a few Jdubs I know. I plan on sending it to people I feel are on the fence and need a little shove to get them started. If anyone is seriously interested in helping me let me know.
I Need an Email Mediator to Send TTATT
by Emery 21 Replies latest jw friends
Indian Larry
Just get a gmail account with a different name. To my knowlege there is no way to track that as it does not come from your computer but rather Googles servers.
Indian Larry
Nevermind. I just checked and if they are computer savvy it is possible to get the IP even from Gmail.
I volunteer. I will be happy to forward someones an attachment by email.
More than happy to oblige
Send me a PM if you need me
Does anyone know of a good proxy server that would spoof your real IP location?
excerpt from
As you can see above, the last IP address for an email I sent from my Gmail account to my Yahoo account was . When you lookup the IP address, it’s just a Google server in California. So depending on how the user sends the email (email client, desktop or mobile, WiFi or cellular), you may get a useful location or you may not.
Hi Emery, I will volunteer also, but I would not be afraid of someone obtaining the sending IP address from a client server like Gmail if they will just learn that it is located in California. I even had a techie try to locate an email that I sent him using Gmail and he couldn't do it.
If you want more ideas about how to word your email, please read the thread You’ve Got Mail! TM that I wrote about 2 years ago. Two important things to remember is either send emails individually or BCC everyone, so that they will not be able to determine who else received the email, and only say enough to make them curious.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,