Thanks everyone! After considering what ABibleStudent said I may end up sending it myself through a dummy email account. I will keep you guys posted, thanks again.
I Need an Email Mediator to Send TTATT
by Emery 21 Replies latest jw friends
Bob_NC you have a PM
AuntBee you have a PM.
I only be email mediator if they are part of the 144000...
Emery you have a PM.
I'm sure anybody here can help you, but an IP address is not a lot of information for the average Joe. It will just give a general location at best.
The only entity that knows the exact location where it came from is the internet service provider, since they know which customer was holding that IP address at that time, but they only reveal that under a court order. Just send it. I'm pretty sure most of your friends don't even know what an IP address is anyway.
Never discount that some people will add 2 + 2 and deduce the likely source of the email, no matter who sent it.
Londo111, yes I totally agree. I plan on making the email very short and vague and I dont plan on engaging in conversation. I'll let the book and their curiousity do all of the work.
RayPublisher you have a PM.
truthhurts13 this is what I use