That is true. The wt environment has no place for anything that doesn't directly result in more numbers on reports, so any kind of creativity is not encouraged or valued in most cases. Also, creative people think outside the box, find it difficult to sit through boring meetings, and are usually so much more expressive in speech and dress. In a group where we are all supposed to have the same ideas and tastes, the creative spirit can die. The only place for art is in wt magazines. The only place for music is the kingdom melodies. I don't know about creative writing as I'm the only Jw I knew who actually ever did it.
Growing up as a JW was a form of mental abuse for me
by Miss Fitt 47 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
J.O. -
creative people think outside the box, find it difficult to sit through boring meetings, and are usually so much more expressive in speech and dress.
Yep. That just about sums me up.......................and my childhood in the destructive cult!
A slight variation of the situation you describe was the beginning of the end for me. I was out in service with Dad and came to a door that was answered by one of my classmates. He was cool; he didn't tell anyone about it. But that day, I decided that I would never go out in service again. I never did, and shortly after I stopped going out in service, I stopped attending meetings as well.
I am so sorry Miss Fitt for what you went through. I to a born-in had the same thing happen. Just throw in the first 4 years of school the teachers also abuse me for being a JW kid. The one thing the Wt. always never talk about was how the children are affected by being JW kids in school. It has been my opinion for many years the children of JW are the ones that take the full brunt of pesecution while in school. While the zealous JW parents get away totally unscathed and their children grow up broken and messed up for life. This really should show us how much this is a Cult. If this was really the truth and god was watching over everybody this would not have happen. Instead it just exposes the Wt. policy on their hatred of children
I remember telling a Cir. Overseer what happen to me when I was in school. All he could tell me was "it made a better person out of me". I looked him in the eye's and told him "so I guess if you break both of your legs that will make a better person out of you also." He could not answer me. I used to think it was me on how I felt but being on this board has shown me my story is not rare but unfortunately very common accruance. How sad. Totally ADD
During elementary school years, I would suffer from teachers ridicules and put downs because I did not place my hand over my heart during the flag salute or sing the political songs. I almost forgot this happened time and time again.
But hey I was tough and ignore them.
Hello Miss Fitt. This is the other Miss.Fit (With 1 T) You can call my Missy.
I just had to tell you that you could have been discribing my childhood, I hid in the library too. Thank you for sharing. I can't tell you how deeply your words touched me. You told the story I never could find the words to express.
It's a relief to know I wasn't the only one that felt that way growing up.
I always tried to hide I was a jw at school, I was always embarrassed by it all. I hated how i was always the odd ine out & was teased for it. The Borg called it fear of man, I called it just wanting to be like all the other kids. To this day, none of the places I worked at knew I was a jw. I joined in the birthdays & Christmas celebrations at work, including Secret Santa. The last 2 years I even put up our work Christmas tree & decorated the office. I would always feel guilty after, but not anymore...
A slight variation of the situation you describe was the beginning of the end for me. I was out in service with Dad and came to a door that was answered by one of my classmates. He was cool; he didn't tell anyone about it. But that day, I decided that I would never go out in service again. I never did, and shortly after I stopped going out in service, I stopped attending meetings as well.
I had a slight variation on my car experience. When I was in year 5 at school I had a crush on this girl in my class. For months I avoided going witnessing near her house. Whenever a map of her area came out I would cringe. I even faked twisting my ankle once.
I thought everyting was going well. I even got the courage to tell her I liked her (through a friend). And she said she liked me. I guess it must have been my first crush.
One saturday I was in the field service a long way from her house. The house we knocked on was that of her (ugly, loud mouth) best friend. Monday at school, in front of everyone, she said in a loud voice "don't EVER come knocking at my door again. We don't want your religion ... And by the way [crush's name] doesn't like you". It was one of those moments that defines your life. Or what's left of it.
no need to create a new account--Miss Fitt--now that the situation --regarding Miss Fit as well as your goodself--has been resolved.
i think a similar confusion occurred on here--as there are a number of mac's too---little mac--harry mac--mac n cheese--bro mac--and myself.
but if you look at my avatar--i'm the good looking one.
MISSFIT- I'm sorry you experienced these things growing up as a JW in school. I experienced very similar things as well as a child in school being raised a Witness. I was picked on in Junior High School as I was kind of small for my age, fortunately I went through a growth spurt in High School and the bullying stopped towards me. But I felt very left out in elementary school, no Borthday parties, Christmas , having to lead the flag salute and explaining why I couldn't do it. It was rough.
As you say it takes time to get our confidence back after being raised like that . In time though by dealing with REAL human beings outside the Witnesses we see that lots of good people are outside of that WT organization and these people will assist us to re-gain the cnfidence we lost as JW's if we surround ourselves with positive, truly helpful people. One thing I've found anyway. Hang in there, Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper