I talked to Bo Juel Jensen about that FB-group in our scandinavian XJW-forum. As I can remeber he stated it could be wise being careful joining that group as a fader. I'm not 100% sure about, this, but I am 90% sure he stated something like that.
The Outing of Faders, and the Epilogue of Sic Semper Tyrannis
by zed is dead 298 Replies latest members private
zed is dead
Dissmissing Servant,
Considering that besty pointed out that Bo was one of those involved in the force-adding on Facebook, his comments seem disengenuous at best. A lie at worst.
And Cedars, after it came to your attention that Bo was one of those force adders, like Julia Barrick Douglas and J. Mason Emerson, WHY DID YOU BELIEVE HIM? Me thinks you are spinning again!
Newbies find this sort of thing frustrating. You know how when you come out, you are all grateful for the work that has been done that eventually led to you thinking for yourself? You can't maybe pinpoint just one thing. It was that Wikipedia, and maybe that link to JWfacts, then maybe a question about blood that led you to Marvins blog or a thread here...
I think Jeremiah had it summed up on page 8.
This is never just one persons responsability, and yet there is responsibility to be doled out. This includes the person who the thread is about. I can only imagine how hard it is. But honestly.....especially those that served.....did this and only this mean disfellowshipping time? Why deny? Or why not even tell the truth that you were "force-added" by someone you don't think very highly of and this is a non-issue.
Will people only be satisifed if Cedars takes ALL the blame? What happens when he does. Will everyone lay off? Is there enough to go around to others? Seems like there is. So I think this is officially at the point where we are either going to move on or not. Showing this community to be fractioned is not the interests of anyone here anyways is it?
So a thread like this, to new ones and lurkers, can just drive them away and instill fear (good use of "instill fear" right?).
Why not let it go.
Cedars quotes:
Page 11: But once again, I apologise.
Page 10: As president I was mostly a figurehead...
...it felt very much as though it was my colleagues who were controlling me.
And whether the group was secret or not carried huge implications as to how easy or difficult
it was for outsiders to see what was going on inside the group.As the crisis deepened I sought assurances that, not only was the group secret, but it was
impossible for outsiders to get in and identify who was inside it. The person responsible
for setting up the group assured me that this was the case.Whatever the circumstances surrounding the setting up of the group, and my lack of personal
responsibility for "outing" individuals (which rebel8 and now finally Zed have been gracious
enough to acknowledge) the fact remains that I was still president at the time and therefore
the buck stopped with me._____________________________________________________________________________________
So, let me paraphrase this:
People told me to apologize so I apologized. I take full responsibility, but I am not personally responsible. I was a tool of others. Besides, people could have been lying to me, so rather than take preemptive actions, I said "Prove it." But that doesn't matter. Someone else said it was all fine. Since you all can't let this go, I am making sure to throw another name under the bus.
And let's not forget previous quotes where I still say that I have no emails, no proof. Maybe Bo was right and nobody could actually have been hurt by what I, ....er....I mean- what Bo did.
Anyway, I am sorry for anything I did, but I didn't do anything.
Lets just put it on the table. As a neutral party here, what is going to satisfy you guys. Is it an apology in just the right fashion? Do you want Cedars to talk about it or not talk about it? Should he come out as the mastermind behind all things AAWA overeached on?
What is it? What is going to put this baby to bed?
Problemaddict, read my comments about amends. The responsible parties need to stop talking and DO something.
what is going to satisfy you guys.
It would appear nothing short of a lynching is going to be sufficient.
Stand you ground!
Hey Jeff,
I went back and found your posts (took a minute). Your post just says to make amends. Thats cool.
By doing what exactly............I guess is the thrust of my question.
I'm fairly new here. Younger than most of you. This makes us look like monkeys.
Oh and Jeff one other thing. The fact he was president cannot wrangle him technically into the spot where all blame resides. I run a company (CEO and all that jazz). I have people underneath me that as 1099's have done things they should not have. Now responsability resides with me because I am CEO. You might say though that "direct" responsability does not. So our company assumes liability to an extent, and shares it or barters it with the person actually responsable. So if we want to get technical we can, but it isn't that simple. We can call it a fancy corporation for the sake of things, and probably just because we are all by nature of the abuse we have suffered......a bit paranoid. But it was really jsut a few people coming together with common purpose.
Simon, I got that last one. LOL. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PA: ...what is going to satisfy you guys. Is it an apology in just the right fashion? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I would have been satisfied to just stop hearing, "I am fully sorry for anything I am fully responsible for, but I am not fully responsible for any of this." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I get that Cedars doesn't see that he did totally screw this up. I get that even if he does see it, it cannot be undone and some will always be hurt by what happened. Still, I can put it behind me because I was not hurt. But when some others understandably cannot put it behind them, if Cedars can't see it any other way than the same old "The buck stops here, but it doesn't really stop here," then he needs to STFU and take it. I thought he did that pages ago, BUT NO! He has to insist on bogus apologies loaded with passing the blame. Reminds me of a story. This guy is on trial and takes the witness stand. "No, I could not have raped that girl. I was out of town. Besides, I am impotent and incapable of such an act. Besides, she isn't my type. And anyway, she had a blindfold on and could not have seen me. Also, that isn't even the girl I raped, so I am being tried for the wrong crime here, so I am innocent."