What happened is sad and disappointing. It was all so easily avoidable. Outing another fading JW to the elders and their family is the worst crime possible in this community.
It seems to me that there are simply too many people that have become far too pre-occupied with their own vendetta against the WTS and getting revenge for the hurt caused to them that they forget to put the safety and well-being of other people first and foremost. I've experienced it myself - stand up to certain people and they try and ruin you, harrass you, post libellous and viscious lies all over the internet. It's like you take the place of the WTS for them and become their enemy and a justifiable target.
To make a mistake is forgivable. To stubbornly refuse to fix a mistake after it's been pointed out is not. To repeat the same mistakes, add a few more and basically tell people who try to help or offer advice to "f-off" is downright low. Even now we know of ongoing risks due to AAWA practices and no safeguards or procedures put in place to prevent harm.
I would not have anything to do with AAWA because I do not have trust in the integrity or the capabilities of the people involved. It seems so simple when you start a group - accept support from anyone because after all "my enemies enemy is my friend" ... right?
There are certain people that you should simply refuse to have anything to do with if you want a group to succeed and to prosper. The fact that there appears to be no barrier to entry other than a willingness to sign up is worrying. That reigns and responsibility is handed to people who have shown callous disregard of other is comtemptible.
Now Cedars, you again bring up a post that was deleted as you point out so what is your problem? If it's such a bad thing why are you posting it again? What's more, why did you decide to keep it all this time? Do you have a dossier on everyone who you consider has crossed you detailing all the things they've ever said?
Learn a lesson: apologise, mean it, dont' try to excuse a mistake, don't try to attack the person in return !