Just curious as to who on here still regularly attends meetings and goes out in service? I do both. As I sit at the district convention I can't help but think who else out in the crowd is just like me. Doesn't believe what they hear, but are still here.
Who still goes to meetings and out in field service?
by SloppyJoe 33 Replies latest jw friends
What do you do in field service to avoid sucking someone into a religion you no longer believe in yourself?
who else out in the crowd is just like me. Doesn't believe what they hear, but are still here.
That must be a living nightmare. It's difficult enough to participate in these activities when you believe it, but doing it when you know it's a crock...well that's gotta' mess with your head.
Stand there, don't ring the bell or knock. If they do answer ALWAYS introduce myself as one of Jehovah's witnesses as this gives about a 95 percent chance of them not being interested and if they still take literature I don't do a return visit. I have a 100 percent success rate of never starting a bible study.
@exwhyzee for years it made me miserable. Over time I just got used to day dreaming a few hours. With technology I can surf the web now at least. The hard part for me is service as it is a total waste of time but I only do it once a month anymore. But it still sucks.
It has been 10 years out for both service and meetings.
What do you do in field service to avoid sucking someone into a religion you no longer believe in yourself?
Probably just tell them what JW's really believe. Zing!
Have you tried stopping altogether?
What happened that forces you to keep doing it?
@ding my entire family on both sides are in. I read these boards years ago and read some terrible hings that happened after people left. I didn't want that to happen to me. This was the best option I came up with as I can miss meetings and barely go in service and no one bothers me while still maintains all relationships I have.
i do :/ i still live with my parents and if i dont go to meetings/service, im pretty sure i'll get kicked out and i cant afford living on my own just yet... hopefully next year though. only get 1 hour a month and attend about half of the meetings. yeah the elders are on my back but only during the summer when school's out and im just working. the rest of the year i just say i'm tired from work+school and they back off.
i was thinking of the same thing during my convention. how many are just going through the motions because they're trapped in the religion, and are right here with me?
as soon as im done school i'm done with this religion, don't care if my family ostracizes me, i'll finally be free